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"Fine him a kivarten for quarrelling," cried another; and the bully subsided into a minute's silence, after a sotto voce "Blow temperance, and blow all Chartists, say I!" and then delivered himself of his feelings in a doggerel song: "Some folks leads coves a dance, With their pledge of temperance, And their plans for donkey sociation; And their pockets full they crams By their patriotic flams, And then swears 'tis for the good of the nation.

"Flams, mere flams!" cried Hyacinth, acknowledging the praises bestowed on her barge; "but if you like clary wine better than skimmed milk you had best drink a brimmer or two before you leave the barge, since 'tis odds you'll get nothing but syllabubs and gingerbread from Lady Sarah."

She liked Deuceace, who amused her and made her laff. She liked his manners, his riding, and his good loox; and being a pervinew herself had a dubble respect for real aristocratick flesh and blood. Miss's love, on the contry, was all flams and fury. She reglarly flung herself at Deuceace's head such sighing, crying, and ogling, I never see.

I suspect tricks, Sir; I smell a rat: I do, I do. You would cog the die upon us: you would, you would, Sir. But I will forestall you, Sir. You would be deriving me from William the Conqueror, with a murrain to you. It is no such thing, Sir. The town shall know better, Sir. They begin to smoke your flams, Sir. Mr.

'You are right, said the lawyer, 'and very little to pay him with but flams and fabrications, like to-night's. 'To-night's? I repeated. 'Ay, to-night's! said he. 'To-night's WHAT? I cried. 'To-night's flams and fabrications. 'God be good to me, sir, said I, 'have I something more to admire in your conduct than ever I had suspected? You cannot think how you interest me!

She can do all that they can do, and somethink they can't. There's an indiscrible grace about her, and Carlotty, my sweet Carlotty, she sets my art in flams. "Ow that Miss Hemly was noddin and winkin at me out of their box on the fourth tear? "What linx i's she must av. As if I could mount up there! "P.S. Talking of MOUNTING HUP! the St. Helena's walked up 4 per cent this very day." "2nd July.

Paul's Churchyard, where she bought a pair of gloves, which she gave me, and thence renewed her directions to the coachman to drive to her house in street, who accordingly landed us at the door, after I had been cheered up and entertained by the way with the most plausible flams, without one syllable from which I could conclude anything but that I was, by the greatest luck, fallen into the hands of kindest mistress, not to say friend, that the vast world could afford; and accordingly I entered her doors with most complete confidence and exultation, promising, myself that, as soon as I could be a little settled, I would acquaint Esther Davis with my rare good fortune.

Old Shum made some remark; and Miss Buckmaster cried out, "Law, pa! what a fool you are!" All the gals began laffin, and so did Mrs. Shum; all, that is, excep Mary, who turned as red as flams, and going up to Miss Betsy Buckmaster, give her two such wax on her great red ears as made them tingle again. Old Mrs. Shum screamed, and ran at her like a Bengal tiger.

Ye may gang down yoursell, and look into our kitchen the cookmaid in the trembling exies the gude vivers lying a' about beef, capons, and white broth florentine and flams bacon wi' reverence and a' the sweet confections and whim-whams ye'll see them a', my leddy that is," said he, correcting himself, "ye'll no see ony of them now, for the cook has soopit them up, as was weel her part; but ye'll see the white broth where it was spilt.

One morning, Sir John coming in from his ride, gayly called out to me, as I was reading, "Oh Charles, such a piece of news! The Miss Flams are converted. They have put on tuckers. They were at church twice on Sunday. Blair's Sermons are sent for, and you are the reformer." This ludicrous address reminded Mr. Stanley that Mr.