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"Vat 'bout dot bett you make mit me, Cabtin?" said Schenke. "Dot is all recht, no?" "Oh, yess," answered the old man, but without enthusiasm. "That stands." "Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Tventig dollars to feefty dot you goes home quicker as me, no?" Schencke turned to the other men. "Vat you tinks, yenthelmen? Ah tinks Ah sbend der tventig dollars now so sure Ah vass." The others laughed.

You haf' a book printed in ze French feefty marks you must pay!" He waived his cigarette, as if it might have been a deadly sword, and hurled it over the rail. "After Germany took Alsace-Lorraine away from France," said Tom, unmoved, "and began treating the French people that way, I should think lots of 'em would have moved to France." "Many yess; but some, no. My pappa had a veenyard.

Ribsam, showing eager interest in the reasoning of the boy. "We have agreed, to begin with, that the population of Philadelphia is one hundred and of New York one hundred and fifty. Now, how many people will have to be subtracted from New York's population to make it the same as Philadelphia?" "Feefty, vot I says."

"This is a queer way to do," said Grandma Padgett, fixing the full severity of her glasses on him. "Turn a woman and two children away to harbor as well as they can in some old barn! I'll not stop in your house on the hill. Who'd 'tend to the horses?" "Tare ist grass and water," said the landlord as she turned from his door. "And more as feefty famblies hast put up tere.

I showed him my line but he said tome, 'Your styles are all right but your prices are too high. Vy, here is a hat you ask me twelf tollars for. Vy, I buy 'em from my olt house for eleven feefty. You cannot expect me to buy goods from you ven you ask me more than odders.

Chenault, being a half-breed, was more inclined toward garrulity than his Indian spouse. "How you come?" he asked with evident interest. Jeanne answered him, speaking rapidly, and at the end of a half-hour the man was in full possession of the details of their plight. He slowly shook his head. "Moncrossen camp ver' far feefty seexty mile," he said. "You no mak'." Bill looked up suddenly.

You say to him, 'Coquelicot, are you foolishness? you can do feefty things and George not one of zem: you can read the letters, and find the things in the pocket, and play the instrument, and sing the tune to make die people of laughing, yet you are not content.

Even my leetle goil, she goes oud to buy me a cigar von day, and she ask de man dot sells de cigar to buy somet'ing from papa. He vants some boys' shoes. I haf none. She goes across de streedt and buys a pair und sells dem for a tollar feefty-five cents brofit. I gif my leetle goil a neeckle and I keep de feefty cents. Dots de vay it goes. I could not do dot eef I leefed on Cap'tol 'ell.

General Rompiro looked like a burnt effigy, but he was Br'er Fox himself when it came to the real science of politics. "'Here is moneys, says the General, 'of a small amount. There is more with me moocho more. Plentee moneys shall you be supplied, Señor Galloway. More I shall send you at all times that you need. I shall desire to pay feefty one hundred thousand pesos, if necessario, to be elect.

It swayed back and forth in the valley breeze, as if itself expostulating with him. "Dot's a goot sign," he pronounced. "Auf you go up te hill, tere ist te house I put up mit te moofers. First house. All convenient. You sthay tere. I coom along in te mornin'. Tere ist more as feefty famblies sthop mit tat house. Oh, nien, I don't keep moofers mit te tafern."