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I am a Gentleman. Fal. Ha, Labree, what means he now? By Jove, I do not question it, Cleontius: What need this odd Punctilio? I call thee to no account. Cle. That's more than I can say to you, Sir. Fal. I'll excuse you for that. Cle. But shall not need, Sir; stay, I have a Sister. Fal. Oh, the Devil, now he begins. Cle. A handsome Sister too, or you deceiv'd her. Lab. Fal. Cle.

By no means, Sir, you had much better Have them in your Posteriors: for then the Ladies Can never disprove you; they'll not look there. Fal. The sooner, you Fool, for the Rarity on't. Lab. Sir, the Novelty is not so great, I assure you. Fal. Go to, y'are wicked; But I will have them in my Face. Lab. With all my heart, Sir, but how? Fal.

It was this flaw in an otherwise simple game, which brought the play to an end. Intimations that an aquatic tourney of some sort was the feature in the Day-nursery began to leak through to the room below. The competitors were apprehended and brought for judgment before the ladies, who were sitting in the garden and watching the Fal as it streamed by to the sea.

The servants indemnified themselves as well as they could, by seizing what was left, and cursing the elopers; and the obsequious little gentleman in black vowed vengeance as he quitted the deserted mansion, to which he had paid his promised visit in the morning, with a particular friend or two, to enforce his arguments with Mr Rainscourt. Fal. Have you provided me here half a dozen sufficient men?

And to bryng vs againe, vnto our heauenlie natiue countrie, from the whiche we haue by so many ages, for that presumpcion bene banished. Finally, to repaire and supplie in heauen againe ones, the ruine and fal of those spirites, whiche a space afore our creacion, ware thurste doune fro thence. For the whiche purpose, we chiefly ware made.

The truth on't is, she has a strong magnetick Power, that I find. Alcan. But I would have none find it but my self, No Soul but mine shall sympathize with hers. Fal. Nay, that you cannot help. Alcan. Yes, but I can, and take it from thee, if I thought it did so. Oli. No quarrels here, I pray. Fal. Madam, I owe a Reverence to the Place. Alcan.

There are some, however, that claim a mention; and although Falmouth as a town can boast of no antiquity, yet this noble estuary of the Fal lies in a centre that must have witnessed many remarkable scenes forgotten by history, and as early as man began to trust himself to the waters its harbourage must have had a profound value and significance.

He looked more than ever like his nickname, "the Gray Doe." Next morning the sun blazed out over England's loveliest stream, the Fal, as, widening, it flowed seaward. We hurried down to the foot of Doe's garden, where a rustic boat-house sheltered his private vessel, the Lady Fal. Doe stepped into its stern, and I into its bows, and Radley took the oars.

If you have ever steamed up the Estuary of the Fal, that stately Cornish river, and gazed with rapture at the lofty and thick-wooded hills, through which the wide stream runs, you have probably seen on the eastern bank the splendid mansion of Graysroof. You have admired its doric façade and the deep, green groves that embrace it on every side.

What mean you by that word? Lab. Fal. Will she do reason, or so? you understand me. Cle. I understand that thou'rt an impudent fellow, Whom I must cudgel into better manners. Fal. Pox on't, who bears up now, Labree? Cle. Beat thee till thou confess thou art an Ass, And on thy knees confess it to Isillia, Who after that shall scorn thee. Lab.