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But yet that Look would call a Saint from th'Altar, And make him quite forget his Ceremony, Or take thee for his Deity: But yet thou hast a very Hell within, Which those bewitching Eyes draw Souls into. Fal. Here's he that fits you, Ladies. Am. Nay, now y'are too unjust, and I will leave you. Alcan. But as you move, my Soul yields that way too. Fal.

But Fal is short, full, deep, and very wide, Nor old, nor sleepy, when it meets the tide; Through hills and groves where birds and branches sing It runs its course of sunny wandering, And passes, careless that it soon shall be Lost in the old, gray mists that hide the sea.

"Ness not belly fal way. Malee make ness in sand close to sea-shole. Mollow mornin' I go lookee, maybe findee." All throughout the previous night they had heard a voice resounding along the shore in loud, plaintive wailings, and Captain Redwood had remarked its being a strange note to him, never having heard the like before.

"Sir," cried Jasper Leigh, who could scarce believe that this was all that was required of him, "I'll sail it to hell at your bidding." "I am not for Spain this voyage," answered Sakr-el-Bahr. "You shall sail me precisely as you would have done five years ago, back to the mouth of the Fal, and set me ashore there. Is that agreed?" "Ay, and gladly," replied Master Leigh without a second's pause.

Baring-Gould derives its name, as that of the Fal, from the Celtic falbh, which means the "running or flowing," but the point is hardly clear. It is pleasant to turn from such disputations to the place itself, which has become famous in present-day romance as "Troy Town," the fanciful title bestowed by a gifted literary resident.

Is this your way of Courtship to Isillia? Cle. Fal. By Jove, Ladies, you get no more of that from me, 'Tis that has spoiled you all; I find Alcander can Do more with a dumb show, than I with all my Applications and Address. Oli. Why, my Brother can speak. Fal.

When we reach the Helford River we have come to another rival of the Fal, with creeks and inlets, wooded banks and fields, differing in size but hardly in degree of beauty. Strictly, the name Helford only applies to the little ferry town; the river is the Hêl, or Hayle, and affords comfortable harbourage to many craft.

Arrived at that fine embattled castle of the Killigrews which commanded the entrance to the estuary of the Fal, and from whose crenels the country might be surveyed as far as the Lizard, fifteen miles away, he found Peter Godolphin there before him; and because of Peter's presence Sir Oliver was more deliberate and formal in his accusation of Sir John than he had intended.

"Charity," cried the woman impatiently interrupting her, "charity indeed: why, Mistress, charity begins at home, and I have seven children at home, HONEST, LAWFUL children, and it is my duty to keep them; and do you think I will give away my property to a nasty, impudent hussey, to maintain her and her bastard; an I was saying to my husband the other day what will this world come to; honest women are nothing now-a-days, while the harlotings are set up for fine ladies, and look upon us no more nor the dirt they walk upon: but let me tell you, my fine spoken Ma'am, I must have my money; so seeing as how you can't pay it, why you must troop, and leave all your fine gimcracks and fal der ralls behind you.

"Then you are as cross as she is," answered the boy; "but when mamma comes home, she'll claw up both your mittens." "Hush your impertinence, you little forward imp!" said his father; "where is your tutor?" "Gone to a wedding at Dunbar; I hope he'll get a haggis to his dinner"; and he began to sing the old Scottish song: "There was a haggis in Dunbar, Fal de ral, etc.