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I remember only the following chorus: "Little Queen, you must not be So saucy, with your twenty years; Your ill-used courtiers soon will see You pass, once more, the barriers. Fal lal lal, fal lal la."

I don't wish God to recollect that there lives such a man as he who now addresses you. Fal la! la! fal la! why should these things make us play the madman? It is a fine day, sir; we shall have a late winter. "Curse the b , how long she is! Yet the hat was left below. But when a death is in the house, sir, it throws things into confusion: don't you find it so?"

For that, Alcander, you know more than I. Fal. Why sure Aminta will instruct her better, She's as inconstant as the Seas and Winds, Which ne'er are calm but to betray Adventurers. Alcan. How came you by that knowledg, Sir? Fal. Pis. Prithee, Alcander, now we talk of her, How go the Amours 'twixt you and my wild Sister?

Madam, I have so lately 'scap'd a scouring, That I wish you would take it for a mark Of my Passion to disobey you; For he is in a damn'd humour. Am. He's out of it by this, I warrant you; But do not tell him that Pisaro lives. Fal. Pis.

For me, was it for me you ran this hazard then? Fal. Madam, I hope you do not question that, Was it not all the faults you found with me, The reputation of my want of Courage, A thousand Furies are not like a Battle; And but for you, By Jove, I would not fight it o'er again For all the glory on't; and now do you doubt me?

Fal. Nor so ill, since they be such as render us No less acceptable to your fair Eyes, Madam! But had you seen me when I gain'd them, Ladies, In that heroick posture. Am. What posture? Fal. In that of fighting, Madam; You would have call'd to mind that antient story Of the stout Giants that wag'd War with Heaven; Just so I fought, and for as glorious prize, Your excellent Ladiship. Am.

DAMAS. He is much younger than ST. FAL, but his gait and carriage are vulgar. He is not deficient in warmth; but all this is spoiled by a manner the most common. He first played at the theatres on the Boulevard, and will never be able to forget the lessons he imbibed in that school.

'That's just the reason why you should buy them; having no money, you can't but want some; and here's your way to make it. You can have no difficulty in raising L200. 'And in the next place, I should not think of buying mining shares, and more especially these, while I am engaged as I now am. 'Fal de ral, de ral, de ral! That's all very fine, Mr.

And his mother, recalling the conversation in the stately garden up the stream, fell to wondering whither these boys were tending. So the passage down the full and slumbery Fal seemed nearly a soundless thing.

Ah, they were good, those up-stream reaches when Ourselves were young and dreamed of being men, But Fal! the tide had touched us even then! One tribal God, we bow to, thou and we, And praise Him, Who ordained our lives should be So early tidal with Eternity. Part I: "Rangoon" Nights