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Updated: August 8, 2024

After that, organization for mutual profit and protection against the minions of the money power, for makin' our influence felt in elections, for extendin' a helpin' hand to honest toil, for rousin' our bretheren from their lethargy, which, like a leaden pall " "I want to know," growled Bowersox, with sullen obstinacy, "what's to be done."

I move that it be the sense of this camp that the little woman, here, an' her husband, by name o' Motte, be declared legal owners of the Golden West quartz claim, extendin' 100 feet, both sides of the claim stake, followin' the main lode an' includin' all dips an' angles an' spurs whatsoever; the same bein' really two claims, one by 'heritance an' one for luck."

And female wimmen stand between him and starvation most of the time. I considered the hull thing highly symbolical and loved to see it. But jest think of a magnificent picture containin' all that is most beautiful in land and water, extendin' in a graceful, curvin' way three thousand feet.

"Blissin's on it," broke in Larry, "sure that accounts for the purty green face of Erin, which bates all other lands in the world. Good luck to the Gulf Stream, say I!" "You're right, Larry, and England, Scotland, and Norway have reason to bless it too, for the same latitudes with these places in America have a rigorous winter extendin' over more than half the year.

"Only hear them fellers now talk of extendin' of the representation; why the house is a mob now, plaguy little better, I assure you. Like the house in Cromwell's time, they want "Sam Slick's" purge. But talkin' of mobs, puts me in mind of a Swoi-ree, I told you I'd describe that to you, and I don't care if I do now, for I've jist got my talkin' tacks aboard. A Swoi-ree is

Hospitality has been pored all over me. At Liverpool I was asked to walk all over the docks, which are nine miles along; and I don't remember a instance since my 'rival in London of my gettin into a cab without a Briton comin and perlitly shuttin the door for me, and then extendin his open hand to'ards me, in the most frenly manner possible.

I wasn't shoutin' things out to anybody, but I just made myself into a committee of welcome; an', when the train pulled in, there I was, extendin' the glad hand of the burg likewise the glad hand of a guy you used to know in Oakland once, a third-rate dub prizefighter by the name of lemme see yep, I got it right Big Bill Roberts was the name he used to sport, but now he's known as William Roberts, E. S. Q.

I could not brook his dallyin' with lightnin' at his age or to have it brung into our house in a raw state. Josiah wuz dretful impressed with a big post completely covered with red, white, and blue globes, and all other colors, and at the top it branched out into four posts, extendin' towards the corners of the ceilin'.

"Miss Miss Hammond," began Monty, stammering, "I'm extendin' admirin' greetin's to you an' your friends. Link an' me are right down proud to play the match game with you watchin'. But Bill says you're goin' to caddie for his team an' coach 'em on the fine points. An' I want to ask, all respectful, if thet's fair an' square?" "Monty, that is for you to say," replied Madeline. "It was my suggestion.

"Well, it's time to put over the big stuff," Mr. Gibney remarked presently. "Here's hopin' they don't pot me with rifle fire while I'm extendin' my compliments." As the first muzzle burst raked the Mexican Captain Scraggs saw that most of the terrible blast of lead had gone too high.

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