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When the Carthusians were played, Acton spent the afternoon reading with Raven, whose exam, was now very near; and, whilst the two were grinding out all the absurd details of Horace and his patron, "and the poet's little farm, and the other rot which gains Perry Exhibitions," the shouts and cheers of the school down at the Acres came floating up the hill to their room.

"And about those exam questions Mavis and I wouldn't have dreamt of looking them up beforehand, and I don't suppose we should have known them. Wouldn't it be fairer just to cross them off in our papers and not count them? We'd much rather you did." "Yes, it's the only thing to be done." Clive, much subdued, blurted out a kind of apology before he left, which Miss Mitchell accepted with dignity.

"You seem to know a lot about it," the mountaineer said, looking thoughtfully at the boy. "I ought to," Hamilton said, "because I'm going to be an assistant special agent in the Census of Manufactures right away. I applied last October and took the exam a couple of weeks before coming here on this visit." "What makes yo' so cocksure that you've passed the examination?" he was asked.

"Thanks," said Smith, who, I could see, felt half shy of this old comrade, "but I have to work for an exam., and it's coming off now in a week or two." "Well, Batchelor, you come," said Flanagan. I hesitated a moment, and then consented. The fact was, I suspected Flanagan might possibly get his clothes made at Shoddy's.

"She made me laugh," Cosgrave said simply. "I don't mind about the exam. or about anything now. I suppose I was bound to fail. But I was so jolly happy. I'd never had a good time like that. It's all over now. She doesn't care. She said she couldn't be tied up with a lot of trouble. That's what I am. A lot of trouble. It was all bunkum make-believe to think I could be anything else."

She spoke as she had never spoken even in the schoolroom and with the book in her hand. It brought back to the child's recollection how she sometimes couldn't repeat on Friday the sentence that had been glib on Wednesday, and she dealt all feebly and ruefully with the present tough passage. Sir Claude and Mrs. Beale stood there like visitors at an "exam."

Enwright had recently been paying a visit to Paris, and George had been sitting for the Intermediate Examination. "You can join me here for a few days after the exam., if you care to," Mr. Enwright had sent over. It was George's introduction to the Continent, and the circumstances of it were almost ideal.

I only mention them because of what happened. I had the sheets tied up in brown paper in my sailor-bag. "Well, I told my mother I wanted to live in London awhile, and as I needed to be within reach of the Board of Trade Offices until I had passed my exam., she saw no good reason for objecting.

On the night before an exam, he would retire to some secret, solitary place, such as the boot-room, and commence learning these notes by heart. This, though a formidable task, was not so bad as the other alternative.

When the Waldorf was wondrously completed, and we cut an exam. in Cuneiform Inscriptions for an excursion to see the world at lunch in its new magnificence, and Richard Harding Davis came into the Palm Room then, oh, then, our day was radiant! That was the top of our fortune; we could never have hoped for so much.