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It would all have to go into buying furniture, and if he was took sick and lost his place again we wouldn't have a cent left. He says he's got to lay by another hundred dollars before he'll be willing to take me out there." For a while Ann Eliza pondered this surprising statement; then she ventured: "Seems to me he might have thought of it before." In an instant Evelina was aflame.

Le Medecin de Campagne was an early book; it was published in 1833, a date of which there is an interesting mark in the selection of the name "Evelina," the name of Madame Hanska, whom Balzac had just met, for the lost Jansenist love of Benassis; and it had been on the stocks for a considerable time.

If I plant it, water it, and keep the weeds away from it, 't will give me back a blossom. 'T is service binds us all into the brotherhood." "Did you never," asked Evelina, thickly, "hear of chains?" "Aye," said the Piper, "chains of our own making. 'T is like the ancient people in one of my ragged books.

There was that in her eye which, if suddenly surprised, indicated satire; there was that in her demeanour which hinted depths which might or might not be soothing. To be candid, what we do not understand is feared rather than loved. And it is to the author of "Evelina" I owe this conviction. Peace be with her manes when what I have so doubtfully written shall be read! Elizabeth Bennet Mrs. Darcy

"Why why, yes," returned Miss Evelina, slowly. "If you'd like to, I don't mind." He dismissed her airily, with a wave of his hand, and she went back into the house, never once turning her head. "She's our work, Laddie," said the Piper, "and I'm thinking we've begun in the right way.

Adieu, my dear Sir, pray excuse the wretched stuff I write; perhaps I may improve by being in this town, and then my letters will be less unworthy your reading. Meantime, I am, Your dutiful and affectionate, though unpolished, EVELINA. Poor Miss Mirvan cannot wear one of the caps she made, because they dress her hair too large for them.

Then he bent over the coffin, and his lips moved again. Young Evelina would have called Mrs. Loomis, for she was frightened, had he not been Thomas's father, and had it not been for her vague feeling that there might be some old story to explain this which she had never heard.

The elder Evelina stepped out from the shadow of the bush. "Is that you, Evelina?" she said, in her soft, melancholy voice, which had in it a nervous vibration. "Yes, Cousin Evelina." The elder Evelina's pale face, drooped about with gray curls, had an unfamiliar, almost uncanny, look in the moonlight, and might have been the sorrowful visage of some marble nymph, lovelorn, with unceasing grace.

Of course there is nothing in the distance, but there should be a respect shown on such an occasion. Mr Hall does do everything of this kind just as it should be." "I suppose you know the young lady who is coming here to-night," said Evelina to Mr Gordon. "Oh, yes; I knew her before I went abroad." "But not Mr Whittlestaff?"

Hasten, then, to the spot of thy nativity, the abode of thy youth, where never yet care or sorrow had power to annoy thee.-O that they might ever be banished this peaceful dwelling! Adieu, my dearest Evelina! I pray but that thy satisfaction at our approaching meeting may bear any comparison with mine! EVELINA TO MISS MIRVAN. Berry Hill, July 14th.