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"Oh, Henrietta," exclaimed Sallie, looking at the young-philosopher with terrified helplessness. "Please don't mind her, Evelina. I don't understand her being my child, and nobody does, unless it was Henry's grandmother on his mother's side. You had heard of my loss?"

"Good-bye, Doretta," he answers, stooping to kiss a pretty little maid of eight or nine; and at the same instant Signora Evelina calls out from over the way: "Good-morning, Doretta!" Doretta, who had made a little grimace on discovering her papa in conversation with his pretty neighbor, makes another as she hears herself greeted, and mutters reluctantly, "Good-morning."

Martha Loomis talked much slyly to mothers of young men, and sometimes with bold insinuations to the young men themselves, of the sad lot of poor young Evelina, condemned to a solitary and loveless life, and of her sweetness and beauty and desirability in herself, although she could not bring the old Squire's money to her husband.

It wanted something of the simplicity which had been among the most attractive charms of Evelina; but it furnished ample proof that the four years which had elapsed since Evelina appeared, had not been unprofitably spent. Those who saw Cecilia in manuscript pronounced it the best novel of the age. Mrs. Thrale laughed and wept over it.

There were also of them that had wings and they answered one another saying, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord!" And after that they shut up the gates, which, when I had seen, I wished myself among them. Then I awoke, and behold! it was a dream. Evelina "Evelina" was the first tale written by a woman, and purporting to be a picture of life and manners, that lived or deserved to live.

Ramy said if he was us he wouldn't want to leave his money there any longer'n he could help." "It was over a week ago he said it," Evelina reminded her. "I know; but he told me to wait till he'd found out for sure about that other investment; and we ain't seen him since then." Ann Eliza's words released their secret fear. "I wonder what's happened to him," Evelina said.

"Do you want to see Mrs. Loomis?" "No; I want to see her." "Her?" "Yes, her." Evelina turned pale as she stared at him. There was something strange about his face. "But Cousin Evelina," she faltered "she didn't want Perhaps you don't know: she left special directions that nobody was to look at her." "I want to see her," said the old man, and Evelina gave way.

What have I to tell? My Prince! my own Leboo, if I might lie in the stall with you, then I should feel thoroughly happy! That is, if I could fall asleep. Evelina declares we are not eight miles from Dayton. It seems to me I am eight millions of miles distant, and shall be all my life travelling along a weary road to get there again just for one long sunny day.

She would not have loved him less, nor admired him less, nor would he have been less "the noble and the unrivalled," he would have taken his glass too much, have joked the next morning on the event, and the gentle Evelina would have made him a cup of tea; but that which would have been a matter of pleasantry in the husband would have been matter of damnation in a lover. But to return to Lucy.

From behind a shutter in an upper room, Miss Evelina noted that the dog also had bread and cheese, sharing equally with his master. The Piper went to the well, near the kitchen door, and drank copiously of the cool, clear water from his silver cup. Then he went back to work again. Out in the road, the rubbish accumulated. When the Piper stood behind it.