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Kootanie George glared at Rand and gathered in the cards. He understood as did Ernestine and the others at the table the gibe which lay under Rand's words. The American's fancies, too, had run toward Ernestine Dumont not so long ago, and she had not deigned to take notice of him after the coming of Kootanie. "Mexican gent, huh?" said George slowly. "If you mean Greaser why don't you say Greaser?"

Ernestine was also deep in thought, and had twisted her pillow into such a position, that the moonlight made quite a halo around her yellow hair and made her face, with its beautiful eyes, look like a cameo in golden setting. She knew it, too, just as well as Beatrice, who at that moment, turned and looked at her, and furthermore, she knew just how to go on with what she wanted to accomplish.

And it was known that the miracle had been a twin wonder in that Drennen had refused to see and when he had at last seen had refused to accept. Ernestine's love had been like Ernestine herself, reckless. And, yes, Drennen had laughed at her. He had told her brutally that he had no more use for a woman in his life than he had for a cat. Certainly not for a woman like her.

"If only Aunt Ernestine had known you half as well as I do, she would have been quite content to have trusted you and to have believed that what you did was for the best. But I say, Trent, you ought to have waited for it. After she had seen her father and talked with him she must have understood you better. I shall write to her." But Trent shook his head.

During those last weeks she often found her mother's eyes sombre, brooding eyes following her about the room like the spirit of unrest. "Try to be happy, Ernestine," she said, when about to leave the house in which she had ever been a stranger. "Life is so awful if you are not happy." She took her back to the little town and put her away beside the man with whom her soul had never been at peace.

Why will you tear open the wounds of your heart once more?" "Those wounds have never healed," cried Amelia, passionately. "No! they have been always bleeding always painful. Do you think so pitifully of me, Ernestine, as to believe that a few years have been sufficient to teach me to forget?" "Am I not also called upon to learn to forget?" cried Ernestine, bitterly.

Fritz would feel all the value of this change; his character is already softened by her society, and though she is a few years older than he is, she is blessed with all the vivacity of youth. Mr. Willis approves of this union, and we hope he will live to solemnize the three marriages. Ernest and Henrietta inhabit the Grotto Ernestine, which his brothers fitted up as a very tasteful dwelling.

And Forrest, with sobs and slubberings, with realistic shudders and kicks and a great jingling of spurs, lay down on the floor and expired. Lute crawled out from under the piano, and was joined by Rita and Ernestine in an extemporized dance of the harpies about the slain. In the midst of it, Forrest sat up, protesting. Also, he was guilty of a significant and privy wink to Lute.

"But see here, Dr. Hubers, a nice way you have of shirking your domestic duties! Who is going to help me settle this famous house Georgia tells about?" "I'll do it at night," he protested eagerly. "I'll work every night until the house is spick and span." Ernestine sighed. "I have a sad feeling that our house never will be spick and span. But we'll have some fun," eagerly "fixing it up."

Consent to be Queen of Denmark." "You have never loved, Ernestine, and you do not know that it is a crime to break a holy oath sworn unto God. But let us be silent. I know what is before me I am prepared!" With calm indifference, Amelia completed her toilet; then stepped to the large Psyche, which stood in her boudoir, and examined herself with a searching eye.