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Language like this stings and burns, but it is just such as is needful to shame us out of our comfortable apathy, to arouse us to new responsibilities, new opportunities. Mr. Sullivan, awake among the sleepers, drenches us with bucketfuls of cold, tonic, energizing truth.

Creation is the work of His love, and love is the work of His creation. But the ambivalences of human nature keep us from being free in the work of love. The coming of Christ, in the midst of history, changed the balance of power between love and hate, life and death, and set us free to love. Love became the energizing, reconciling force in human existence.

In their own persons certain of these people possessed the qualities and the will which were imperative for the organization of the industry, the trade, and the finance that were to control the world for four generations, and produce that industrial civilization which is the basis and the energizing force of modernism.

Behold, in one bound, the hovels and palaces of earth shall be alike, and, floating free in spiritual space, we will win such dominion as the highest graduates in saintship dimly perceived, but were never able to declare!" These thoughts, energizing the brain of my companion, seemed thrown into my consciousness with far more distinctness than if they had been uttered.

After all, they're revitalizing our cities, they're energizing our culture, they're building up our economy. We have a responsibility to make them welcome here, and they have a responsibility to enter the mainstream of American life. That means learning English and learning about our democratic system of government. There are now long waiting lines of immigrants that are trying to do just that.

" ... fourteen hundred thirty fourteen hundred fifty fourteen hundred seventy " He faced his unit-mates. "Well, that does it. The mass is maintaining a steady reaction without the energizing pumps. It's sustaining itself!" "But how is that possible?" asked Tom. "It's one of those freaks, Tom. It's been known to happen before.

If this be true, then these patients should exhibit behavior precisely contrary to that of those suffering from acute infection, that is, they should be constantly clearing their systems of these superabundant energizing materials by crying or laughing, and this is precisely what happens the flood-gates of tears are open much of the time in Graves' disease a disease of the emotions.

Its culmination will coincide with the centenary of the declaration of that same Mission. The agencies assisting in its conduct are the nascent administrative institutions of a steadily evolving divinely appointed order. Its driving force is the energizing influence generated by the Revelation heralded by the Báb and proclaimed by Bahá’u’lláh.

His sympathetic brogue, smooth and soft and instinct with drollery, held for her a never-ending fascination. And always at the end of the day there was Kenny's Gray Man of the Twilight stealing up the river all too soon. Joan was not the only one to whom the sparkle of the irrepressible Irishman's wit and humor was an energizing boon.

He was one now, one in the massed destiny of the command, one to obey. Only by falling could he be free from this extraordinary authority of the army. Moreover, he felt that the motive energizing this authority was not of the human but of the tiger.