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Better by far preserve your interest and the human tenderness that leads you to the useless and needless expenditure of energy and sympathy in worry than that you should let your loved ones suffer without any care, thought, or endeavor on their behalf. But do not let it be a sympathy that leads to worry. Let it be helpful, stimulating, directive, energizing in the good. Overcome evil with good.

Yet many of us are well aware of how much freer and abler our lives would be, were such important forms of energizing not sealed up by the critical atmosphere in which we have been reared. There are in everyone potential forms of activity that actually are shunted out from use. Part of the imperfect vitality under which we labor can thus be easily explained."

But if she can gain this energizing power she will not join, in womanhood, the ranks of those spending their days in search of inspiration; she will have it in her own soul.

"And as for you, you Venusian ape," roared Connel, "don't you realize that you can blow a reactor tube by throwing so much power into a ship without energizing the cooling pumps first?" Astro smiled. "Not if you open the by-pass, sir," he said, "and feed directly off the pump reservoir. The gas cools the tube and at the same time expands itself and adds to the power thrust."

He divides trades into two classes, which he calls energizing and enervating. In those which are energizing there is an element of individual expression and opportunity for self-direction. The enervating trades are wholly automatic, and induce a lethargic state of mind and body.

Finally, therefore, the color and the composition of the portrait are but the point of meeting where we touch in energizing contact a powerful personality. Our spirit goes out into the night of these Palisades and dilates into immensity. This statue is Olympian majesty made visible, and in its presence we feel that we too are august.

These integrations stimulate the brain-cells, the ductless glands, and other parts, and the energizing secretions, among which are epinephrin, thyroid and hypophyseal secretions, are thrown into the blood-stream, while that most available fuel, glycogen, is also mobilized in the blood. This body-wide preparation for action may be designated kinetic reaction.

However severe the challenge, however multiple the tasks, however short the time, however somber the world outlook, however limited the material resources of a hard-pressed adolescent community, the untapped sources of celestial strength from which it can draw are measureless, in their potencies, and will unhesitatingly pour forth their energizing influences if the necessary daily effort be made and the required sacrifices be willingly accepted.

The lily and the Eucharist have survived the centuries in which the male principle has dominated, as the one true and only God the giver of life, the energizing power of Creation and the lily and the Eucharist are both representative of the Female principle.

This internal stimulation of vital activities is attained also by good massage through energizing the nerve endings all over the surface of the body. The Fundamental Difference Between Neuratherapy and Other Manipulative Systems The following paragraphs will explain the fundamental difference between neurotherapy and the older systems of manipulative treatment.