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They were equally intolerant of opposition from their own adherents when their pecuniary interests were at stake. In December, 1833, the Hon. John Elmsley, who had been called to the Executive Council three years before, was forced to resign his seat in that body because he could not act independently there.

Elmsley, who are these Indians, and how came they in?" "They are a part of the encampment without, sir. There was no order given against their admission this morning, besides it is Winnebeg, and you have said that the gates of the Fort was to be open to him at all hours." "Ah! Winnebeg, my friend, how do you do. I did not know it was you or your people. You know you are always welcome."

But I may have a wife and children some time, Lucy." "So you may," said Lucy, filling up her tumbler from the jug of lemonade. "Please to go into the drawing-room now, or Lady Verner will be angry. Mary Elmsley's there, you know." She gave him a saucy glance from her soft bright eyes. Lionel laughed. "Who made you so wise about Mary Elmsley, young lady?"

"Elmsley, I was touched at this almost to tears for it was a source of proud yet tender pleasure to me much more so than I can express to know that Maria was so great a favorite with these rude-hearted fellows. Assured that every thing was right, I told the corporal to embark his men immediately, and pull for the Fort, while I, with Waunangee and his Indians proceeded by land with the body of Mr.

This was the first manifestation of any thing approaching to disunion, between these two officers. Lieutenant Elmsley, although by no means a negligent officer, was no disciplinarian.

"What a noble creature, and what a pity she has so cold and pompous a husband," remarked Lieutenant Elmsley, as Mrs. Headley disappeared from the door-way. "I never knew her so well as this morning, and upon my word, Margaret, were both HE and YOU out of the way, I should be greatly tempted to fall in love with her."

Elmsley," said Edward, shaking his head with doleful foreboding, "that girl knows how to look like the innocent flower she is named after, and be the serpent under it." "Did you know," said his slandered sister, addressing the same lady, and indicating the pair she had basely forsaken, "those are the very two that were with me when I was so badly hurt last summer.

Headley," he added, somewhat stiffly, as his wife left the room to issue the necessary orders, "I did not see you, or I should have been rather more ceremonious in my domestic communications." Mrs. Headley slightly colored. She was sensible that pique towards her husband, and a belief that she wholly shared his sentiments, had induced this rather sarcastic speech. "By no means, Mr. Elmsley.

"This is terrible to his proud spirit. In presence of the whole of the men, too!" "I told you, my dear, there would be a row, but never fear Elmsley be there. See, he is looking significantly at us, as if to call our attention to what is passing."

"Elmsley," persisted his friend, "there is every hope every reasonable expectation that he may yet survive.