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Men are neither one thing nor t'other neither good nor bad. A prudent parson has nothing to fear from 'em nor a foolish one any thing to gain baugh! As to the women creturs, your honour, as I said, vartue's a deal in the constitution. Would not ask what a lassie's mind be nor what her eddycation; but see what her habits be, that's all habits and constitution all one play into one another's hands."

Besides, my "party" would swear stout that I was as innersunt as the new-born babe, and a great many people would wink very pleasant, and say, "Well, Griggins understands what HE'S 'bout, HE does.!" But havin' no eddycation, I'm only a low thief a stealer of watches and spoons and sich a low wretch, anyhow and the Law puts me through without mercy. But the Law don't tech 'em.

'Lord, Lord, sez I to myself, 'if Dan Dolan hadn't gone and got that eddycation bug in his head, wouldn't this be the chance for him?" "What is it?" asked Dan; but there was not much eagerness in his question. Wide and springy as was the butcher's cart, it did not appeal to him as a chariot of fortune just now.

The good that's into a man keeps a-runnin', to git shut of the sin that's in him, an' theh's a heap of wrestlin' when one an' tother catches holt an' fights." "Hit's seo!" Prebol admitted, reluctantly. He didn't have much use for religious arguments. "I wisht yo'd read them books to me, Parson. I ain't neveh had much eddycation. I'll watch the riveh, an' warn ye, 'gin we make the crossin's."

I gave that boy a grand eddycation, and I'm glad for it now. He's a fine boy. Look at 'im now. Ain't he bold as blazes, him there in Lincoln, an honored an' respicted gintleman. An honored an' respicted gintleman," concluded Scully with a flourish. And, so saying, he smote the Swede jovially on the back. The Swede faintly smiled. "Now," said the old man, "there's only one more thing."

Turning toward the man who had called upon him, he gave him a look which ought to have made him sink to the floor with mortification, preliminary to saying with polished irony: "If the gentleman had paid attention as he oughter, he would have obsarved that I said 'Murderer's Holler, not 'Murderers' Hollow. I would advise him not to forget that he ain't the only man in this place that has received a college eddycation.

I never had two years' schooling in my life. It's all I can do to scrawl 'P. J. Patterson, so folks can read it, and thump out the rest on a secondhand typewriter. But that 'ere same scrawl will bring five thousand dollars out of the bank any time I want it. If I had as much eddycation as you have, Dan, nobody couldn't keep me in any school in the land another minute.

Men are neither one thing nor t'other neither good nor bad. A prudent parson has nothing to fear from 'em nor a foolish one any thing to gain baugh! As to the women creturs, your honour, as I said, vartue's a deal in the constitution. Would not ask what a lassie's mind be nor what her eddycation; but see what her habits be, that's all habits and constitution all one play into one another's hands."

"Let's see," growled Wade Ruggles, "Constantinople is in Ireland isn't it?" "Where's your eddycation?" sneered Ike Vose; "it's the oldest town in Wales." Landlord Ortigies raised his head and filled the room with his genial laughter. "If there was anything I was strong on when I led my class at the Squankum High School it was astronermy; I was never catched in locating places."

"We ken burn down the schoolhouse right before his face and eyes, and then mebbe the State Board'll git our idees about eddycation." "Twon't be no use, Mose," said Judge Barber, whose legal title was honorary, and conferred because he had spent some time in a penitentiary in the East.