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If we do not advance, or if we advance too slowly, remember that it is mud that is the cause not the German guns. "Do you really feel quite fit for active service again?" asked the President of the Medical Board. It was not without reason that Roger Dymond hesitated before he gave his answer, for nerves are difficult things to deal with.

It was not until Roger Dymond was in hospital in London that he worried about things again. One evening, however, the Sister brought in a paper, and pointed out his own name in a list of nine others who had won the V.C. He read the little paragraph underneath in the deepest astonishment. "For conspicuous gallantry," it ran, "under very heavy shell fire on August 26th, 1916.

Once he gave a dinner party to show how many choice courses could be served with vegetarian recipes only. As my mother was ill at the time, I was invited to go with my father. I remember the delightful way in which he received us. I remember the awe with which I gazed at him. Mr. and Mrs. Dymond, Mr. and Mrs. Temperley Grey, and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Comfort were among the other guests.

"The supporters of the slave system," says Jonathan Dymond in his admirable work on the Principles of Morality, "will hereafter be regarded with the same public feeling, as he who was an advocate for the slave trade now is."

Captain Dymond lost both legs owing to shell fire, but his men were able to make good almost all their ground and to hold it against all counter-attacks. "This officer was awarded the Military Cross earlier in the war for great bravery near La Bassée."

And he had reckoned with that difficulty; for Winny Dymond only had one room which she shared with Maudie. By calling, he'd meant, of course, on the doorstep, to take her for a walk. But Violet, for some reason, didn't care about the doorstep. She'd rather, if he didn't mind, that he met her somewhere out of doors.

Jessie Dymond, too, was of the race of heroines. Her eyes were clear blue, two wells with Truth at the bottom of each. When I looked into those eyes my own were dazzled. They were the only eyes I could never make dreamy." He waved his hand as if making a pass with it. "It was she who had the influence over me." "You knew her, then?" "Oh, yes.

Frank Dymond, is one of the most agreeable men I met in China, broad-minded, sympathetic and earnest universally honoured and respected by all the district. Since the mission was opened three converts have been baptised, one of whom is in Szechuen, another is in Tongchuan, and the third has been gathered to his fathers.

When he got a letter in her handwriting among his heap he used to throw it aside till he'd torn open the others." Drabdump. You may sit down." SPIGOT, Q.C.: "One moment, Mrs. Drabdump. You say the prisoner had ceased to care for Miss Dymond. Might not this have been in consequence of his suspecting for some time that she had relations with Mr. Constant?" The JUDGE: "That is not a fair question."

"Then we shall, ma'am, and bless and thank you, but there ain't no need for this." "For all you have done for my children," said Bob's mother. "For that, ma'am! Why, it's been holidays and holidays to come up here, and bless 'em too. May I, ma'am?" "Yes, please do," cried Mrs. Trevor, in a choking voice, and the man caught up Dot. "Good-bye, my little dymond," he cried huskily.