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Updated: August 10, 2024

The fire settled, letting down the black and charred papers; a flower fell from a bowl, and lay indistinct upon the floor; all was still; and then a stray draught moved through the old house, passing before Oleron's face.... Suddenly, inclining his head, he withdrew a little from the door-jamb. The wandering draught caused the door to move a little on its hinges.

When the boys came home, they were made to stand by the door-jamb, and a mark was placed on the casing, with a date, which showed how much they had grown.

Medallion joined the Little Chemist in his shop door and watched the habitants scatter, till only Parpon and the stranger were left, and these two faced each other, and, without a word, passed into the hotel together. "H'm, h'm!" said Medallion into space, drumming the door-jamb with his fingers; "which is it, my Parpon a dauphin, or a fool?"

Lem Billings knocked on the door-jamb. "Wal, what's wanted?" called Belllounds. "Boss, thar's a man wantin' to see you," replied Lem. Heavy steps approached the doorway and it was filled with the large figure of the rancher. Wade remembered Belllounds and saw only a gray difference in years.

Miss Custer stepped across the hall from the dining-room into the sitting-room, made cool by having the blinds closed, and struck a few chords on the piano. Herbert Bruce, a young attorney of some wealth and some renown, and bosom friend of Doctor Ebling, followed her, and stood, hat in hand, with his shoulder against the door-jamb. "So you have never read The Gypsy?" he remarked.

She shot a glance at the Secretary. He was beating a tattoo on the pad before him and looking calmly at her as impersonal as though she were a door-jamb; and she understood; however much he might be inclined to aid her, this was not the time for him even to appear interested. On another occasion,

A voice from within answered sleepily, "Right right as a trivet, old lady," and yawned. Mrs. Garth put her head close to the door-jamb. "Ye'd best be putten the better leg afore, gentlemen," she said with becoming amiability; "yer breakfast is nigh about ready, gentlemen." "The better leg, David, eh? Ha! ha! ha!" came from another muffled voice within. Mrs.

He stood there for a long time, leaning against the door-jamb with his hands in his pockets, and the sharper gusts of rain whirled around the end of the little building and beat on him. And then well, it was Charlie Bannon; and Max knew that he was glad it was no one else.

On the flat poor Dick could manage fairly well, his strangely shod feet traveling laboriously along in effort after rapidity; his hands hastily outstretched now and again to lay hold of door-jamb or table-edge, since his balance was none of the securest.

He was a limp rag of humanity. In the reaction from fear he was inclined to be hysterical. "You saved my life when when that fellow " He stopped, gulping down a lump in the throat. The man leaning against the door-jamb stretched his arms and his mouth in a relaxing yawn. "Say, fellow, I wasn't worryin' none about yore life. I was plumb anxious for a moment about Dud Hollister's.

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