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Dockwrath, thinking that some imputation of a low way of living was conveyed in this supposition that he required a dinner under the pseudonym of a lunch. "I never do, upon my word we are quite regular at home at half-past five, and all I ever take in the middle of the day is a biscuit and a glass of sherry, or perhaps a bite of bread and cheese. Don't be uneasy about me, Mrs. Mason."

"They could have had no object in keeping it back, I should say." "No; none in life. But let us see, Mr. Dockwrath; how does it bear upon us? The dates are the same, and the witnesses the same." "The deed of separation is genuine. There is no doubt about that." "Oh; you're sure of that?" "Quite certain. I found it entered in the old office books.

And look here, Miriam, I positively insist that you do not go to Orley Farm, or hold any intercourse whatever with Lady Mason. D'ye hear?" Mrs. Dockwrath said that she did hear, and promised obedience. Mr. Dockwrath probably guessed that the moment his back was turned all would be told at the farm, and probably also had no real objection to her doing so.

And then the famous congress at Birmingham was brought to a close, and all the foreigners returned to their own countries. The next two months passed by without any events which deserve our special notice, unless it be that Mr. Joseph Mason and Mr. Dockwrath had a meeting in the room of Mr. Matthew Round, in Bedford Row. Mr.

"Sir, that is nonsense," said Lucius. "I require no pity from you or from any man." "I don't suppose there is one in all Hamworth that does not feel for you," said Dockwrath. "He means to be impudent," said Peregrine. "You had better come to the point with him at once." "No, I don't mean to be impudent, young gentleman. A man may speak his own mind in his own house I suppose without any impudence.

Dockwrath took a small letter-case out of his breast coat pocket. By this time Mr. Mason's curiosity had been roused, and he began to think it possible that his visitor had discovered information which might be of importance to him. "Are you going to show me any document?" said he. "That's as may be," said the attorney. "I don't know as yet whether you care to see it.

Dockwrath was satisfied with the results of his trip to Groby Park, and was in a contented frame of mind as he was driven back to Leeds. No doubt it would have been better could he have persuaded Mr. Mason to throw over Messrs. Round and Crook, and put himself altogether into the hands of his new adviser; but this had been too much to expect.

"Then you must be made, as I take it." "Let me see the man that will make me," said Dockwrath. Mr. Crump looked very apologetic and not very comfortable. "There is a difficulty, gentlemen; there is a difficulty, indeed," he said. "The fact is, the gentleman should not have been showed into the room at all;" and he looked very angrily at his own servant, James.

But he did expect that the gentleman would have acknowledged the weakness of his footing, by moving himself a little towards one side of the fire, and he did not expect that he would have presumed to smoke without asking whether the practice was held to be objectionable by the legal possessors of the room. Mr. Dockwrath was free of any such pusillanimity.

All this, however, had been arranged beforehand, and it had been agreed that if possible Dockwrath should be made to fall into the clutches of the Old Bailey barrister. It was pretty to see the meek way in which Mr.