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We carry this taste into our money-getting speculations, those freaks of the funds that leave many a man with one unfunded coat. The Thames tunnel is too amphibious an affair to be included in the number; but the ship canal project, the bridge-building mania, and the penchant for working mines by steam, evidently belong to them. The fashion even extends to royalty, since our good King builds a fishing-temple, and dines on the Virginia Water; and the Duke of Clarence, as Lord High Admiral, gives a dejeuné

I Engage a Box at the Opera, in Spite of Henriette's Reluctance M. Dubois Pays Us a Visit and Dines with Us; My Darling Plays Him a Trick Henriette Argues on Happiness We Call on Dubois, and My Wife Displays Her Marvellous Talent M. Dutillot The Court gives a Splendid Entertainment in the Ducal Gardens A Fatal Meeting I Have an Interview with M. D'Antoine, the Favourite of the Infante of Spain

'I am glad to hear that Brace dines here to-day, Kate, for I particularly wanted to see him. The duchess did not reply, and seemed absent; the duke, to say something, tying his cravat, kept harping upon Brace. 'Never mind Brace, George, said the duchess; 'tell me what is this about Tancred? Why is his coming into Parliament put off?

But ask me no more questions. Your patience will not be submitted to a long trial; he dines with us to-day." I made no reply, but began to ponder over in my mind who the general in question could be. "There! pray do not worry yourself about what a few moments will reveal for you, without any guessing.

When she dines out, she can, if she cares to take the trouble, make a fair guess as to who the guests will be before she starts, for each entertainment is but a new shuffle of the too well-known pack. She is morally certain of being taken in to dinner by one of fifty men whom she has known since her childhood, and has met on an average twice a week since she was eighteen.

The party were more amicable over the dinner-table for dinner it was called, as an assertion of gentility. 'Are you allowed to dine late, asked Ida patronisingly of her sister, 'when you are not at school? 'Lady Adela dines early, said Constance. 'Oh, for your sake, I suppose? 'Always, I believe, said Constance. 'Yes, always, said Herbert.

Sometimes one of us rises in the world: we never attack him or sneer at him under those circumstances, but rejoice to a man at his success. If Jones dines with a lord, Smith never says Jones is a courtier and cringer.

If thus, why not? He usually dines at the Hoffman House when out of State's Prison. He owns some fine lots somewhere underneath the East River, besides a brown stone front in Alaska." "PUBLISHER OF PUNCHINELLO. This gentleman's income does not exceed $350,000 per annum. He expends it principally in beautifying his delightful summer residence in Mackerelville.

Deane comes and dines with me by invitation, and both at and after dinner he and I spent all the day till it was dark in discourse of business of the Navy and the ground of the many miscarriages, wherein he do inform me in many more than I knew, and I had desired him to put them in writing, and many indeed they are and good ones; and also we discoursed of the business of shipping, and he hath promised me a draught of the ship he is now building, wherein I am mightily pleased.

I had almost resigned myself to despair, when I recollected the captain's invitation, and mentioned it to Flyblock. "That's well thought of," said he; "Murphy also dines with him; you can both go together, and I dare say he will be very glad of your company." A captain seldom waits for a midshipman, and we took good care he should not wait for us. The dinner was in all respects one "on service."