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Such rapid intimacies are a distinctive feature of a country where a guest may come for a night, and stay for a month; where all white men are brothers, in the widest sense of the word. And Eldred Lenox did not hold with half measures. Since he stood his ground in order to please the Desmonds, he held himself ready to fall in with any joint plans they might choose to make.

The Desmonds and Kildares, in the south, the O'Donnells, Maguires, and others, in the north, soon showed themselves animated by a new spirit of ardent Catholicism; created, in fact, a new nation, quite apart from, or rather embracing, clanship, well-nigh destroyed the English power, kept Elizabeth, during the whole of her reign, in constant agitation and fear, and would have succeeded in recovering their independence, and securing freedom of worship, had not their good-nature been imposed upon by the hypocrisy and faithlessness of the Stuarts, to whom they always looked for freedom in the practice of their religion, without ever obtaining it.

The house, built under shelter of this stronghold of the once proud and turbulent Desmonds, is old, but snug, with a multitude of small low rooms, such as I have seen in houses of the same age in Shropshire and the neighbouring English counties.

Large rewards were offered for their capture, alive or dead, but the necessities of both parties compelled a truce during the remainder of Sidney's official career which terminated in his resignation about four years after the escape of the Desmonds from Dublin. Thus were new elements of combination, at the moment least expected, thrown, into the hands of the Munster Catholics.

Among the stream of strangers there would be at least two home objects upon which she might occasionally cast anchor. The thought of that buoyed her up as the taxi whirled them down hill to Grovebury. The Desmonds were giving the dance as a coming-out for one of their own daughters, and their house was en fête.

Am I forgiven?" "No. But you will be to-morrow morning. I believe one could forgive you almost anything." "I'll not be base enough to take advantage of such a generous admission," he answered, smiling and grasping her hand. Lenox, with a keen glance at his wife's face, followed the Desmonds into the verandah, and helped Honor into her seat. "You'll keep your promise, won't you?" she pleaded.

The Earl of Sidney mustered his forces to proceed against the rebels, and the Earl of Ormond was sent over from England to detach his brother Sir Edmund Butler from his alliance with the Desmonds.

I would go on ahead to fish a pool, and leave him poring over Hyde's book; but when he picked me up, conversation went on where it broke off somewhere among the fortunes of Desmonds and Burkes, O'Neills and O'Donnells.

Let's talk sheer prose just to make it feel real! Are you and the Desmonds riding back with Colonel and Miss Mayhew?" "Yes." "So are we." "And Garth?" "I suppose so. But I want you to ride with me. Will you darling?" She added the entreaty of her eyes to the last word, and he hesitated. "It will look a little odd, and sudden, of course. But I don't see why I shouldn't."

Not only did he enrich himself, by means lawful and unlawful, but he created interest, which, a few years afterwards, was able to checkmate the Desmonds and Ormonds. The see of Dublin falling vacant during his administration, he procured the appointment of his brother Richard as Archbishop, and left him, at his departure, in temporary possession of the office of Lord Deputy.