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Gryce stared hard at the few remaining belongings of the two women, lying in a heap on the table, and half musingly, half deprecatingly, remarked: "The person who stooped wore a long red cloak. Probably you preceded your daughter, Mrs. Watkins."

Lydia moved into the wide, low room, saying deprecatingly, "It wouldn't hurt me to get wet, you know. But this dress just came from Paris, and I haven't had a chance to show it to anybody yet."

"Oh, well," answered Laura deprecatingly, as if to say that that did not count for much with her. "And that you were simply beautiful. He said that he never remembered to have seen a more beautiful woman." Laura turned her head away, a hand shielding her cheek. She did not answer immediately, then at length: "Has he this Mr. Jadwin has he ever been married before?" "No, no.

"Five thousand," said Crimmins deprecatingly, adding on the two just to show he had no hard feelings. "Good," said Garrison. He bit his knuckles; bit until the blood came. "Good," he said again. He was silent. "I ain't in a hurry," put in Crimmins magnanimously. "But you can pay it easy. The major " "Is a gentleman," finished Garrison, eyes narrowed.

Were you about to suggest that I receive him in my bedchamber?" Helene, who had risen with charming alertness at the first intimation of her mother's intentions, now confronted that frigid dame with the subdued radiance of her glance. "Ah, dear mother!" she murmured deprecatingly.

His second wife was a very beautiful young lady, if he might make so bold as to say so, who had come from America. The butler added deprecatingly that he had been told that both Sir Horace and Mr. Holymead had paid her some attention, and that she could have had either of them. She was different to English ladies, he added.

I shook my head and smiled deprecatingly, and replied that, were I in his Majesty's place, I should in any case feel safe from attack with the possession of this machine, and that for my own part I enjoyed being behind it much more than if I had to be in front of it. Next day, when at the Schloss, he talked to me fully and cordially.

I was aware that we were on the edge of a revelation. Hardy looked down at the spoon in his hand, then up and into my eyes. "It's such a queer place to tell it" he smiled deprecatingly "here, in this restaurant. It ought to be about a camp-fire, or something like that. Here it seems out of place, like the smell of bacon or sweating mules. Do you know Los Pinos? Well, you wouldn't.

"Yes, I wrote to Robin saying that I was sorry but I intended to keep the letters." Clare paused and looked at her sharply. This was the kind of thing that she had expected; of course the young person would bluff and stand out for a tall price, which must, if necessary, be paid to her. "But, Miss Feverel, surely" she smiled deprecatingly "that can't be your definite answer to him.

Spragg pressed the electric button and flooded the room with light. The idea of a mother's sitting up for her daughter was so foreign to Apex customs that it roused only mistrust and irritation in the object of the demonstration. Mrs. Spragg came forward deprecatingly to lift the cloak from her daughter's shoulders. "I just HAD to, Undie I told father I HAD to. I wanted to hear all about it."