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Updated: August 21, 2024

To an inferior or dependant, the master of the house gives the corner of the masnad to sit on; to an equal or intimate friend, he gives part of the large pillow to lean on; to a superior, he abandons the whole pillow, and betakes himself to the corner of the masnad. A kind of palki or sedan, for the conveyance of the women of people of rank in India. A sign of afflicting surprise.

Perhaps it was with an impulse to treat her impertinence as she would have done that of a dependant; but the old lady never forgot herself: she only shrugged her shoulders and said, with studied politeness, 'When I unfortunately interrupted your consultation with this eminent physician, it was to ask you a question regarding this English family. Will you do me the honour to enter my cabinet?

Brumsey's last despatch is the finest state-paper since the days of Canning! Now no one knew the short range of this man's intellectual tether better than Lord Danesbury since Brumsey had been his own private secretary once, and the two men hated each other as only a haughty superior and a craven dependant know how to hate. The old ambassador was right.

It is her whose soul clings to yours, and vibrates but in harmony with it; whose happiness, whose every emotion, more than entirely dependant on yours, are exchanged for them. It is she only who forgets herself in you, and who, in gratifying your wishes or alleviating your pain, serves the interest nearest her heart.

Binding him hand and foot, and excluding him from every privilege, and then casting him a helpless dependant on the caprice of a volatile plebeian faction! The French nation is very different from the English.

And the said Hastings did assume, as to a dependant of the lowest order, to prescribe to him the conditions on which he is to hold his place, to threaten him with scrutinies into his conduct, with dismission, with punishment, that he was guilty of falsehood and duplicity, and that he had made his master assert what was true to be false, that he suspected he had withheld from his master what he ought to have paid to him, that the event of his having prevailed on the Nabob to intrust him as aforesaid was, according to his, the said Hastings's, own letter, written to the said Hyder Beg Khân himself, "an accumulation of distress, debasement, and dissatisfaction to the Nabob, and of disappointment and disgrace to me.

To a dependant companion, to whom I had been so very great a friend, it was not necessary to be so very particular about such a trifle. Thus I reasoned as I wrote my drama, beginning with the title, which I called "The Changeling," and ending with these words, The curtain drops, while the lady clasps the baby in her arms, and the nurse sighs audibly.

Few watches in the colonies could compare with his massive silver watch. His table was embellished with heavy silver plate, valued at £150, on which his coat-of-arms was engraved. Twelve negro slaves responded to his nod; he had a large corps of bounded apprentices and dependant laborers.

Now as I have a very great affection for my Brother and should be extremely sorry to see him unhappy, which I suppose he means to be if he cannot marry Matilda, as moreover I know that his circumstances will not allow him to marry any one without a fortune, and that Matilda's is entirely dependant on her Father, who will neither have his own inclination nor my permission to give her anything at present, I thought it would be doing a good-natured action by my Brother to let him know as much, in order that he might choose for himself, whether to conquer his passion, or Love and Despair.

This simple act of thoughtfulness from the young dependant touched the Irishwoman's tender heart and awoke her lasting gratitude. She had heard Berene's story, and she had been prepared to mete out to her that disdainful dislike which Erin almost invariably feels towards France.

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