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Mademoiselle Dinah Piedefer was placed by her mother in one of the best schools in Bourges, that kept by the Demoiselles Chamarolles, and was soon as highly distinguished for the qualities of her mind as for her beauty; but she found herself snubbed by girls of birth and fortune, destined by-and-by to play a greater part in the world than a mere plebeian, the daughter of a mother who was dependent on the settlement of Piedefer's estate.

At that now distant time we resided at Auxerre. I knew how to read, write, and count. For the further progress of my education I was sent to a small day-school, kept by two maiden ladies humble, gentle souls, who in affectionate care for their pupils satisfied in some degree their instinct of maternal tenderness. Poor Demoiselles Dulorre!

"The demoiselles are more to thee than that splendid flag waving over a free country. Thou canst return " "But the dinner?" "Ah, yes, then we will go together," he assented. "If we can pick our way through this crowd. What beggarly narrow streets. Faugh! One can hardly get his breath. Our wilds are to be preferred." By much turning in and out they reached the upper end of St.

Notre Dame, where the Archbishop of Paris and his clergy met the visitors, and the Hotel de Ville, followed in the regular order of sightseeing. The Queen dwells not only on the kindness but on the quietness of the Emperor as a particular "comfort" on such an occasion. Les Demoiselles de St. Cyr was acted in the evening.

I have been the model husband; I have put away wine and les demoiselles; for it pleased me, in my petty insolence, to patronize, rather than to defy, the laws of God and man. Your perfection irritated me, madame; it pleased me to demonstrate how easy is this trick of treating the world as the antechamber of a future existence.

He gave the low-down Choctaw dis old rat-hole; he give Belles Demoiselles to you gran-fozzer; and now you don't be satisfait. What I'll do wid Belles Demoiselles? She'll break me in two years, yass. And what you'll do wid old Charlie's house, eh? You'll tear her down and make you'se'f a blame old fool. I rather wouldn't trade!"

He soon fell a victim to the potent charms of the two Demoiselles de Lespoisse. Forgetting his oath, he thought of nothing but marrying one of them, finding them equally beautiful. After some delay, caused less by hesitation than timidity, he went to Motte-Giron in great state, and made his petition to the Dame de Lespoisse, leaving to her the choice of which daughter she would give him.

He made sure, with a glance, that the text was identical with that which he had studied so long; the same arrangement of the signs, the same intervals that permitted of the isolation of the word demoiselles and the separation of the two words aiguille and creuse.

Pani, is Monsieur Bellestre as nice as Monsieur St. Armand? I cannot seem to remember him." "Little maids should not be thinking of men so often. Think of thy prayers, Jeanne." Sunday was a great time to walk on the parade ground, the young men attired in their best, the demoiselles gay as butterflies with a mother or married sister to guard them from too great familiarity.

This apparition, so conformable to the idea which D'Harmental had formed beforehand of the daughters of his landlady, gave him a new subject for reflection. Since the Demoiselles Denis were so exactly what they ought to be, that is to say, in such perfect harmony with their position and education, why was Bathilde, who seemed their equal in rank, as visibly distinguished as they were vulgar?