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It would have cured Vincent of jealousy, even if he had not, in the interim, seen Mr. Hervey, and learnt from him the news of his approaching marriage. Miss Portman, at the conclusion of her letter, informed him that Lady Delacour purposed being in Berkeley-square the next day; that they were to spend a week in town, on account of Mrs.

Where was Clarence Hervey all this time? Lady Delacour, alas! could not divine. She every morning was certain that he would appear that day, and every night she was forced to acknowledge her mistake. No inquiries and she had made all that could be made, by address and perseverance no inquiries could clear up the mystery of Virginia and Mrs.

I do not wish to listen to your objections to-night. You will naturally have them, but they will be overcome. Mrs Macintyre is a pearl amongst women. Good-night, George; good-night. Miss Delacour left the room. George Lennox did not go to bed that night until very late. 'Well, he said to himself at last, 'I did not know I could be snubbed by any one; but that woman, she drives me wild.

"Let me prevail upon your ladyship to make an exception to the general rule then," said Belinda; "I can assure you this is not a common school-girl's letter: Miss Delacour seems to inherit her mother's 'eloquence de billet." "Miss Portman seems to possess, by inheritance, by instinct, by magic, or otherwise, powers of persuasion, which no one can resist.

Hervey, "which is most injurious to you." "To me!" "Yes. No one can escape calumny. It is whispered, that if Lady Delacour should die ." At the word die, Belinda started. "That if Lady Delacour should die, Miss Portman would become the mother of Helena!" "Good Heavens! what an absurd report! Surely you could not for an instant believe it, Mr. Hervey?" "Not for an instant.

No, I am bound to her by ties stronger than vice ever felt; than vice, even in the utmost ingenuity of its depravity, can devise." Exhausted by the vehemence with which she had spoken, Lady Delacour paused; but Vincent, who sympathized in her enthusiasm, kept his eyes fixed upon her, in hopes that she had yet more to say.

Inconsistent as it is with the strength of mind which you might expect from me, I cannot resist the impression which has been made on my mind by a vision." "A vision!" "Three times," continued Lady Delacour, "it has appeared to me about this hour. The first night after we came here I saw it; last night it returned; and to-night I have beheld it for the third time.

"I thought, my dear Clarence," resumed Lady Delacour, "that no present could be more agreeable to you than a companion for your Virginia. Does this figure," continued she, drawing back the curtain, "does this figure give you the idea of Paul?" "Paul!" said Clarence; "it is a naval officer in full uniform: what can your ladyship mean?"

'Do you mean seriously to tell me, George, said Miss Delacour, 'that you have called that child Hollyhock that impertinent, rude child, Hollyhock? 'Well, yes, he has, bless his heart! said Hollyhock, going up to her father and fondling his head. 'Isn't he a bit of a sort of a thing that you 'd love? Eh, but he's a grand man. He isn't afflicted with bad looks, Aunt Agnes.

"Woman!" cried he, "I will see whom you have in this room! You have some one concealed there, and I will go in." Then with brutal oaths he dragged Marriott from the door, and snatched the key from her struggling hand. Lady Delacour started up, and gave a scream of agony. "My lord! Lord Delacour," cried Belinda, springing forward, "hear me." Lord Delacour stopped short.