Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 1, 2024

Dickie, you've been promenading among the toy-shops and hearing people talk. 'I couldn't help it, said Dick, penitently. 'You weren't here, and it was lonely these long evenings. A man can't work for ever. 'A man might have gone to a pub, and got decently drunk. 'I wish I had; but I forgathered with some men of sorts.

As long as the Wheelers were "decently hospitable" about sharing their car, the townspeople added to their envy an interested tolerance based on a lively speculation as to when one's own turn for a ride would come; but when a whole week went by, and not one of the many anxious would-be guests had been invited, the interest and the tolerance fled, leaving only an angry disdain as destructive to happiness as was the gasoline smell of the car itself.

I did it in person, came back with the sealed contract hadn't eaten decently or slept more than a few hours in two anxious weeks went home triumphant, and collapsed as I did not long ago while I told my wife." There was silence for several minutes inside the tent.

Suddenly raucous and stunning, but oh, how sweet! rang out the voice of Dunshie's lifelong friend, Private Mucklewame. "Halt! Wha goes there!" The cyclist made no reply, but kept his devious course. Private Mucklewame, who liked to do things decently and in order, stepped heavily out of the hedge into the middle of the road, and repeated his question in a reproving voice. There was no answer.

At times it has disappeared from our politics, but it has always reappeared. Once we thought it wise to prevent the island from winning its independence from Spain, and thereby, perhaps, we entered into moral bonds to make sure that Spain governed it decently. Whether we definitely contracted such an obligation or not, the Cuban question has never ceased to annoy us.

Probably the greatest attraction to the latter was the sweet face of Ninon. Spring passed, and summer crept in and wasted away, and autumn had arrived. Every New Yorker knows what delicious weather we have, in these regions, of the early October days; how calm, clear, and divested of sultriness, is the air, and how decently nature seems preparing for her winter sleep.

After leaving the first time, she asked her son to pay her a somewhat larger sum per month, which would allow her to live decently elsewhere. Considering that he had borrowed from her a couple of thousand pounds over fifty thousand francs and that the sum he had paid her irregularly was not five per cent interest on the money, this request was not unreasonable.

A hundred a year is reckoned a good fellowship, and that is no more than is necessary to keep a man decently as a scholar. We do not allow our fellows to marry, because we consider academical institutions as preparatory to a settlement in the world. It is only by being employed as a tutor, that a fellow can obtain any thing more than a livelihood.

One sees the care with which they determined the precise moment at which the electric light should be switched off in the dressing-room; one realises their firm decision that the lady must, after all, go to bed fully clothed. One is conscious throughout of a careful anxiety that every avenue to "suggestiveness" shall be just hinted and at once decently veiled.

"If you touch that animal again I'll get out," I said, angrily, as the poor brute tossed his head from side to side. "Beg pardin', sir! Thought you was in a 'urry, sir!" came through the roof. "Drive decently, and don't think," I muttered, relapsing into my own thoughts, cutting as the lash on the chestnut's neck. I had stopped the lash, but I could not stop my thoughts.

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