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We had now a long hollow swell from the west, a strong indication that there was no land in that direction; so that I think I may venture to assert that the extensive coast, laid down in Mr Dalrymple's chart of the ocean between Africa and America, and the Gulph of St Sebastian, do not exist.

When he saw his friend carried to what he reckoned certain fate, their common enemies enjoying the spectacle, and reflected that it was he who had forced Lord Howard upon the confidence of Russel, he retired, and, by a Roman death, put an end to his misery. Dalrymple's Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. i. p. 36.

"Be good enough!" Miss Dalrymple's voice sounded imperiously; her eyes flashed. "One moment!" He was fast losing self-control. "You hold yourself from me refuse to listen to me. Why? Do you know what I think?" Vehemently. The words of Sonia Turgeinov "Est ce qu'elle aime un autre?" flamed through his mind. "That there is some one else; that there always was.

There was something slightly hysterical in her laugh which grated on Dalrymple's ears, something which seemed to tell him that at the present moment his dear friend was not going to assist him honestly in his effort. "Only that I should put him out, I would get up and make a curtsey," said Clara.

She received him gladly, and told him to come again. He came, and she asked him to dinner, feeling sure that Reanda would wish to see him. He accepted the first invitation and another which followed before long. By insensible degrees, during the winter, Griggs became very intimate at the house, as he had been formerly at Dalrymple's lodgings.

And that is the reason you were so gay so very gay. You sought to forget " A change came over Betty Dalrymple's face; she seemed to grow whiter to become like ice "You let me think there wasn't any one; but there was. That story of some one out west? you laughed it away as idle gossip. And I believed you then but not now. Who is he this American?" With a half-sneer.

I found that we should be too late for dinner at Sir John Dalrymple's, to which we were engaged: but I would by no means lose the pleasure of seeing my friend at Hawthornden, of seeing Sam Johnson at the very spot where Ben Jonson visited the learned and poetical Drummond .

By the bye, I daresay you have heard that Dalrymple stands a good chance of dying a peer, if he ever dies at all. With his constitution that is doubtful." And he went on to explain to Francesca the matter of the Redin title, and that as Dalrymple's elder brother, though married, was childless, he himself would probably come into it some day.

They had made acquaintance at an artists' supper in the previous year, had afterwards met accidentally at the bookseller's in the Piazza di Spagna, where they both went from time to time to look at the English newspapers, and little by little they had fallen into the habit of meeting there of a morning, and of strolling in the direction of Dalrymple's lodging afterwards.

"Glad to see you, old dear," was dark-eyed, dark-haired Dorothy Dalrymple's greeting. Her rich color bore no hint of the artificial. She sank down on her knees beside Margaret. The other girls draped themselves comfortably round the room; and Flossie with a 'Yum Yum' began to dig into a box of candy on Margaret's couch. They all talked at once. "Hear the latest, Marg?"