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From nowhere appeared a bustling weighty woman, purring, "Hello, hello, hello, is it possible that you're all up Mr. Daggett. Yes, do lead me to the kidneys." And a man with the gray hair of a grandfather and the giggle of a cash-girl bounced in clamoring, "Mornin' expected to have bruncheon alone do we have some bridge? Oh, good morning, Mr. Daggett, how do you like Seattle?

"Be temperate in your language, friend; a rough speech is unseemly, particularly of the Lord's day." Daggett rolled the tobacco over his tongue, and his eyes twinkled with a sort of leer, which indicated that the fellow was not without some humour. He submitted patiently to the rebuke, however, making no remonstrance against its reception.

It sounded promising enough, and the dust had now settled so that I could dimly make out the noble lines of my hostess. I begged for more. "Well, go on Mrs. Burchell Daggett once nearly forgot her womanhood. Certainly, go on, if it's anything that would be told outside of a smoking-car." The lady grinned. "Many of us has forgot our womanhood in the dear, dead past," she confessed. "Me? Sure!

"We've been thinking," Lydia Orr said composedly, "that it might be pleasant to open a library and reading room in the village. What do you think of the idea, Miss Daggett? You seem interested in books, and I thought possibly you might like to take charge of the work." "Who, me? Take charge of a library?" Lois Daggett's eyes became on the instant watchful and suspicious.

But Daggett did not appear to be disposed to be more communicative than heretofore. He went over the narrative of the discovery of the sealing-island, and gave a graphic account of the number and tame condition of the animals who frequented it. A man might walk in their midst without giving the smallest alarm.

She was just as sweet If it wasn't for If I hadn't hardened my heart against her almost the first thing, you know, I don't believe I could help loving her." "Fanny!" cried Ellen protestingly. "She certainly is a soft-soap artist. My mother says she is so refined; and Mrs. Daggett is always chanting her praises." "Think of all she's done for the village," urged Fanny. "I want to be just, even if "

"Hello!" said Daggett, looking out of the window, "here is our coming Member." He opened the door. "Mr. Hull, let me introduce you to the Reverend Richard Boyle, preacher and moral reformer. Mr. Boyle Mr. Hull, the coming Member for this constituency."

To render 'assurance doubly sure, as to the information of Daggett, the smoke of a volcano arose from a rock to the eastward, that appeared to be some three or four miles in circumference, and which stood on the eastern side of the great basin, or some four leagues from Sealer's Land, as Daggett had at once named the principal island.

"They never get much for 'em, and new ones are so darn ornery to break in." "Yuh said it," agreed Daggett. "I'd ruther buy one second-hand than new any day. There's the bridle. Yuh take that roan in the near stall. He ain't much to look at, but he'll travel all day."

You'll tell the folks on Oyster Pond that we're a-coming, and they'll be sure to send the news across to the Vineyard." This was touching Roswell on a point of honour, and Daggett knew it very well. Generous and determined, the young man was much more easily influenced by a silent and indirect appeal to his liberal qualities, than he could possibly have been by any other consideration.