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During the remainder of the summer and autumn I worked steadily at bush work, hut-building and run-fencing, and when the winter set in I rigged up a hut in the forest, where I lived alone and earned a good return for my time in felling and cutting-up firewood for which I received from the squatters I think ten shillings a cord, 9 ft. by 4 ft. by 4 ft.

"They may be knocked about a bit, but they'll learn their business before they come through. Nothing like a night-alarm and a little cutting-up of stragglers to make a Regiment smart in the field. Wait till they've had half a dozen sentries' throats cut." The Colonel wrote with delight that the temper of his men was excellent, that the Regiment was all that could be wished and as sound as a bell.

"I'll give you the story as far as we know it." He nodded, reached one hand forward out of the picture, and then nodded again. I began with our killing the monster and going down to the bottom after the cutting-up, and the explosion. I told him what we had seen after leaving the ship and circling around it in the boat.

"I've none," he answered, gloomily. "What's yours?" "Mine is that the mystery increases hourly." "What did you find at the cutting-up?" In a few words I explained the unaccountable nature of the wound, drawing for him a rough diagram on the back of an old envelope, which I tossed over to where he sat. He looked at it for a long time without speaking, then observed: "H'm! Just as I thought.

It is deemed unnecessary to enter into details as to the modes of cutting-up most in vogue in this country, as there is a needlessly great want of uniformity. Of the qualities of beef obtained from the different breeds of cattle in England, there is no better meat than from the West Highlanders for fineness of grain and cutting up into convenient pieces for family use.

There was no question of priority or disputing as to whom the tit-bits of the whale should go. Even the visitors were quite at liberty to take whatever portion they could secure. For about a fortnight this cutting-up and gorging went on, but long before this the stench from the decomposing carcasses was so horrible as to be painfully noticeable at my camp, over a mile away.

All hands for cutting-up." I pulled on a parka and zipped it up and went out onto the deck. Everybody who wasn't needed at engines or controls was there, and equipment was coming up from below power saws and sonocutters and even a solenoid jackhammer. There were half a dozen floodlights, on small contragravity lifters; they were run up on lines fifty feet above the ship's deck.

On comparing the two modes of cutting-up, it will be observed that in the English there are more roasting-pieces than in the Scotch, a large proportion of the fore-quarter being used in that way. The plan, too, of cutting the loin between the rump and aitch-bone in the hind-quarter, lays open the steak-pieces to better advantage than in the Scotch bullock.

"Caught you that time, Tom, just as you caught Songbird with his doggerel." As happy as any boys could be, the four cadets tied up their boat. In doing this one started to splash in the water, followed by another, and as a consequence before the cutting-up came to a finish the seats of the craft were pretty well wetted. "Never mind," said Tom. "They'll soon dry in the sun.

We're the greatest chums ever, and her baby, Marguerite, is named for me, and she's a perfect darling! And Beek that's her husband is the most comical thing I ever saw; he'll go up and get Mrs. Tully my sister rents one of her rooms, and we have a little supper, and more cutting-UP! Or else Beek'll sit with the baby, and we girls go to the theater!"