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"That," said I, when we were out of earshot, "shows you what a furore a good-looking young man can create in a town like this. Josie Lockwood has put on her best bib-and-tucker to go walking in this afternoon, on the off-chance of meeting you, Mr. Duncan." "Flattery note," he commented. "Who's Josie Lockwood?" "Daughter of Blinky Lockwood, the richest man in Radville." "Ah!" he said cryptically.

And in the end I went, wet, hatless, and dazed in the morning light, and entered that awful door in Benefit Street which I had left ajar, and which still swung cryptically in full sight of the early householders to whom I dared not speak. The grease was gone, for the moldy floor was porous. And in front of the fireplace was no vestige of the giant doubled-up form traced in niter.

That's just the devil of it," he answered cryptically. He passed out of the room and upstairs, presently returning with a couple of letters, held together by an elastic band, in his hand. They smelt musty as he unfolded them; evidently they had not seen the light of day for a good many years.

"We shall learn one of these days," said Beale cryptically. "I can tell you something else, gentlemen, and this is more of a suspicion than a certainty, that there is not a crank scientist who has ever gone under through drink or crime in the whole of this country, aye, and America and France, too, that isn't working for him. And now, gentlemen, if you will excuse me "

"My thanks to you for having succeeded in keeping your promise," said Myra, as they parted. "Accept my congratulations." "One reaches Heaven by way of Purgatory," responded Don Carlos cryptically. "I am looking forward eagerly to our next meeting, when I shall be free to express myself." Expectant, and a trifle apprehensive, Myra awaited events. Nothing happened.

This, I have no reason for not admitting, was the cause of most of our so-called 'quarrels. This is what I should prefer to keep 'secret' but not if it is for any reason a necessary admission." Shane looked at her in undisguised admiration. "Fine!" he ejaculated, somewhat cryptically. "And you quarreled about this last night?" "Last evening, before we went out." "Not after you came home?"

She started back in fright, then laughed in confusion as she recognized him. She bore two empty baskets, and Barry reached out for them. "May I carry them?" he asked simply. "Surely, Captain Barry. But you startled me. I was not expecting to meet anybody here." "Perhaps better me than others," replied Barry cryptically. "How is Gordon, Miss Sheldon?"

"You didn't see in the papers that he was nominated, did you, Paret?" "But if the mill people wanted him, George, how could it be prevented?" his wife demanded. George winked at me. "There are more ways of skinning a cat than one," he said cryptically. "Well, it's time to go to the meeting, I guess," remarked Ezra, rising. Once more he looked at his watch.

If he'd had his hair cut regularly, he wouldn't have looked such an ass when Delilah got through with him." "I don't quite follow the parable." "In other words, it's what a man's got in his head and not so much what he's got on it that makes him strong," he explained, still more or less cryptically. "I am beginning to see. You made good use of what you have in your head, is that it?"

Wilson's managers escorted him to the convention hall where he addressed a group of delegates who were none too enthusiastic. As they motored back to the hotel Mr. Wilson is reported to have asked: "By the way, gentleman, what was my majority?" To which Mr. Nugent replied cryptically: "It was enough." The question, at least in the presence of these gentlemen, it is said was never asked again.