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Updated: August 9, 2024

"Out o' this ye may all go, bag an' baggage, the whole pack of yous." "Me father hasn't stirred out o' that chimley corner for years an' years," urged Mike; "an' me mother, God help her! she's near as bad as him wid the weakness an' the terrible cough she has this while back. It 'ud be the death of her out an' out sure, where could the cratur's go?"

What he was to do wi' her, God only kens, but there can be nae doubt that he would get sma' favour and grace frae yer leddyship to ony attempt on the puir cratur's life.

"Och! the poor cratur's stritchin' out like a injin-rubber man; sure he's a fut longer than he used to be him that was a sight too long already," said Flinders. "Let's try to shove him through," suggested the baffled Crossby.

" Fergus did not consider the punishment he had himself given him as worth mentioning as indeed, except for honesty's sake, it was not, beside the other. "Weel, I'll be a man some day, an' Angus 'll hae to sattle wi' me!" said Donal through his clenched teeth. "Man, Fergus! the cratur's as dumb's a worum. I dinna believe 'at ever he spak a word in's life."

Brophy's they're afther gettin' a letther from America, an' they can't get any one to read it for them, the cratur's. Hurry now, that's a good little girl; I'm goin' up myself along wid ye. Poor Mrs. Brophy'll be nearly out of her mind." Mrs.

"I think you will have to take a little stick, Hepsy," said Mrs. Lee, smiling, "and whip him when he does mischief." "Indeed, ma'am, and it's little strength I'd have left me to do the cooking if I gave him half the whippings he deserves; besides, I'd be sure to get the cratur's ill will; and they say that's unlucky for any one."

One day, a few weeks after Gibbie had begun to read by himself, Janet became aware that he was sitting on his stool, in what had come to be called the cratur's corner, more than usually absorbed in some attempt with slate and pencil now ceasing, lost in thought, and now commencing anew. She went near and peeped over his shoulder.

"Sure we haven't had our own suppers yet," returned Dan, slowly rising; "time enough to give the cratur's what's left." "Listen to the man! 'Pon me word, ye'd never desarve a bit o' good look, Dan Brophy, ye've that little sense. What call have we to go pinchin' an' scrapin' now, will ye tell me? Us that's goin' to spend the rest of our days in peace an' comfort.

She says the music professor at the convent can teach her to play it, and she thinks if she learned she might be able to lead the singing in a church with one." "Perhaps somebody played the cornet in that concert company she was with." "Na, na. It's nearer hame than that," mother struck in. "She has a notion o' ane o' thae cratur's 'at pl'y at the Opera Hoose.

"The cratur's a born idiot!" he said afterwards to Jean; "an' it's jist a mervel what he's cawpable o'! But, 'deed, there's little to cheese atween Janet an' him! They're baith tarred wi' the same stick." He paused a moment, then added, "They'll dee weel eneuch i' the ither warl', I doobtna, whaur naebody has to haud aff o' themsel's."

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