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Priscilla had a sudden stinging consciousness that her own hat had been trimmed by her village store milliner, and Anne wondered uncomfortably if the blouse she had made herself, and which Mrs. Lynde had fitted, looked VERY countrified and home-made besides the stranger's smart attire. For a moment both girls felt like turning back. But they had already stopped and turned towards the gray slab.

There was something so charmingly naive in this self-depreciation something so altogether novel in his experience, and, he could not help adding, just a little bit countrified. His spirits rose; he began to relish keenly his position as an experienced man of the world, and, in the agreeable glow of patronage and conscious superiority, chatted with hearty abandon with his little rustic beauty.

Already Janice was raising her head, the possibility of seeming countrified being worse even than a man's caress; but her intended submission and Evatt's speech were both interrupted by the clump of boots in the hall, and the pair had barely time to assume less tell-tale attitudes when the squire and Phil were standing in the doorway. "Friend Evatt," ejaculated Mr.

"I've often wondered what it was like especially the cities New York, Paris, London. Paris is the best, isn't it?" "Yes, Paris is the best to me. Have you ever thought that you'd like to wear pretty gowns and drive through a green park in the spring filled with other carriages in which are wonderful women?" "But I'd feel so miserable and countrified," she answered.

He turned to the left and was met by the smiling eyes of his new acquaintance, Burns, who waved him good-humoredly away: "This is the sophomore corner I reckon you belong in there." And toward the centre Jason went among the green, the countrified, the uneasy, and the unkempt.

"How do you like it, Kit?" asked Jessie, when they were in their room that night. "Like what?" inquired Katharine, with a sleepy yawn. "Oh, auntie and Molly and all?" "Auntie is rather nice, only she is a little bit countrified," returned Katharine critically; "and Molly is well enough; but what a funny little thing that Polly Adams is!

"Be hanged if I know why," said the captain. "I liked the old man well enough, though he was as rough as a hedge. But you would never have cared to go there, even if you might have, I am well sure." "Why shouldn't I?" "Your town tastes would find them far too countrified. They sit in the kitchen, drink mead and elderwine, and sand the floor to keep it clean.

"Doan't know, me lord," came back the answer, "he's a stranger to me." The keeper had now been joined by the countrified boy, and the two turned the body over on to its face. I could see that it was the fairer of the two men who had acted under Saumarez' orders. "I think we had better go down," suggested my cousin, the Guardsman; "we may be of some service there."

It is that of a Catholic cure in revolt, who has taken to his bosom a schoolmistress. And his conduct, it is worth noting, is disapproved by the Protestant villagers. 'It is a bad idea for a man, said one, 'to go back from his engagements. The villagers whom I saw seemed intelligent after a countrified fashion, and were all plain and dignified in manner.

It is that of a Catholic curé in revolt, who has taken to his bosom a schoolmistress. And his conduct, it is worth noting, is disapproved by the Protestant villagers. "It is a bad idea for a man," said one, "to go back from his engagements." The villagers whom I saw seemed intelligent after a countrified fashion, and were all plain and dignified in manner.