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I will sit by her the while, and by plying her with cordials and such food as she can swallow, strive to feed her feeble strength; and if the flames seem coming nearer and nearer, I will make shift to dress her in such warm and easy garments as are best suited to the journey she may have to take. And I will trust to you to be back to save us ere the danger be over great."

"As to those parts that treat of confectionary, pickles, cordials, English wines, &c., what I have said in relation to cookery is equally applicable to them also.

"Do you chance to know if madame has any cordials or spirits?" he added, straightening his waistcoat and adjusting his cravat. "It is likely," answered Charley, and moved away to the window looking upon the street. The doctor turned in surprise. He was used to being waited on, and he had expected the tailor to follow the tradition. "We might eh?" he said suggestively.

What gratitude shone in his skinny white face when he saw a living form before him! And how the fervency of this mute gratitude was augmented when his eyes fell upon the life-giving cordials which I carried in my hands! Then imagine the horror which came into this pinched face when I put the cordials behind me, and said mockingly 'Speak up, Franz Adler call upon these dead.

Persons of weak nerves ought however to abstain from tea, as they would from drains and cordials, as it causes the same kind of irritation on the delicate fibres of the stomach, which ends in lowness, trembling, and vapours. Tea should never be drunk hot at any time, as it tends still more to produce that relaxation which ought to be carefully avoided.

Very low and unequal, she was told: his strength was failing, and there seemed to be no power of rallying it, but they must do their best to support him with cordials, according to the state of his pulse. The physician could not remain all night himself, but would come as soon as he could on the following day. Amabel hardly knew when it was that he went away; the two Mr.

On the 22d Sir John Chamberlain wrote to Sir Dudley Carlton that there were "ten or twelve, old and young, of that country." The Indian girls who came with Pocahontas appear to have been a great care to the London company. In May, 1620, is a record that the company had to pay for physic and cordials for one of them who had been living as a servant in Cheapside, and was very weak of a consumption.

It is now full time to free him from all these necessities, and to apply cordials and lenitives, after those severities which have already had their full course against him. Never was sovereign blessed with more moderation of temper, with more justice, more humanity, more honor, or a more gentle disposition.

Nevertheless I was resolved that my Lorna should not be robbed again. I saw her lead the men into a little place called a pantry; and there she gave them cordials, and I could hear them boasting.

For of that mutual love she shared with Perion, so high and splendid that it made of grief a music, and wrung a new sustainment out of every cross, as men get cordials of bitter herbs, she knew there was no comprehension here. How Men Ordered Matters Orestes came into the garden with Ahasuerus and nine other attendants.