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Garrick described her to me as very fat, with a bosom of more than ordinary protuberance, with swelled cheeks of a florid red, produced by thick painting, and increased by the liberal use of cordials; flaring and fantastick in her dress, and affected both in her speech and her general behaviour.

At length, when she was so much exhausted by her sufferings that she could no longer feel the pain, she was taken away to be restored by medicaments, cordials, and rest, in order that she might recover strength to endure new tortures on the following day. In the mean time, panic and excitement reigned throughout the city.

Among other things, there were some books, pen, ink, and paper, three blankets, a large jug full of water, a keg of sea-biscuit, three or four immense Bologna sausages, an enormous ham, a cold leg of roast mutton, and half a dozen bottles of cordials and liqueurs.

Bleeding was the unanimous voice of the whole room; but unluckily there was no operator at hand; every one then cried, "Call the barber;" but none stirred a step. Several cordials was likewise prescribed in the same ineffective manner; till the landlord ordered up a tankard of strong beer, with a toast, which he said was the best cordial in England.

Its cleanliness, its clothing, its temperature and its food are matters for daily observance and care, as also are the light, sunshine and air which it is to breathe. Opiates, soothing syrups and cordials, are to be strictly avoided as being deleterious to health; proper sanitary measures usually suffice to render all dosing unnecessary.

She's gone why can't I let her go, and be happy? But how begin? 'Take it careless, my son, said the miller, 'and lay yourself out to enjoy snacks and cordials. 'Ah that's a thought! said Bob. 'Baccy is good for't. So is sperrits. Though I don't advise thee to drink neat. 'Baccy I'd almost forgot it! said Captain Loveday.

In the chest which I had taken for a seat in the boat, as aforesaid, upon breaking it open by the water-side, I found a mattress, some shirts, shoes, stockings, and several other useful things; a small case of bottles with cordials in them, some instruments of surgery, plasters and salves; all which, together with a large quantity of fish that I had salted, I carried to the grotto.

The little face was very white, but bright with pleasure and excitement, and the offer of smelling salts and cordials was laughed aside with good-natured contempt. "No, no I'm all right just a little breathless after that whirl through space. How funny the room looks! I've looked at it broadways so long that I can't recognise it from this point of view. Is that the water-bed?

She would dismount, leave her horse to the groom, and, with a heavily mounted, silver-topped whip in hand, and her riding-petticoat gathered up, would march along, picking her way through mud and filth. Here she contrived to find the queer china things she desired, or in some mysterious way she secured cordials and such liquors as no one else could get.

The man is safe here, and he may "sing in the ways of the Lord," Psalm cxxxviii. 5. "For wisdom's ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace," Prov. iii. 17. He is a way that is food, physic, cordials, and all that the poor traveller standeth in need of till he come hence.