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Consider the parentage in this instance. Fenley, a groom and horse coper on the one hand, and the dark daughter of a Calcutta merchant on the other. If the progeny of such a union escaped a hereditary taint it would be a miracle. Cremate Hilton Fenley and his very dust will contain evil germs." "You're strong in theory but weak in proof." That style of argument invariably nettled Furneaux.

David Bright only meant that, having observed through his telescope the little transaction between the White Cloud and the Coper, his intention was to pay that vessel a visit to go carousing, or, as the North Sea smacksmen have it, "cruisin'." Gunter obeyed the order with satisfaction and alacrity. "Jump in, Spivin, and you come too, Billy."

To those poisoned by the villainous beverages sold on the sordid grog vessels no excess was too great. Owners were in sympathy with the Mission in trying to oust the coper, because their property, in the form of fish, nets, stores, and even sails, were sometimes bartered on the high seas for liquor.

"So he might," retorted Luke; "nevertheless it was the Coper that finished him off at that time as it has finished off many a man before, and will, no doubt, be the death o' many more in time to come." The Copers, which Luke Trevor complained of so bitterly, are Dutch vessels which provide spirits and tobacco, the former of a cheap, bad, and peculiarly fiery nature.

The painter was cast off, and they pulled towards the floating grog-shop. The tempter received them with a hearty salute. "Cheap spirits an' cheap baccy!" said John Gunter, as he sat on the rail of the Coper drinking the one and smoking the other, "that's what I likes, an' plenty of both."

"Take a drop just by way of a medicine to keep you awake and tide you over this bout; and, by good luck, your man Gunter has some grog left in that bottle he got yesterday from the Coper." "Billy," said David, in a quiet voice, without deigning a reply to his foe, "Billy, my lad, you fetch me a pot o' coffee or tea whatever's ready, an' let it be hot."

Several men hailed and saluted Fox as his smack, the Cormorant, went by, but he took no notice except with an idiotic wink of both eyes. "He's bin to the coper," remarked Puffy, as the Cormorant crossed the bow of the Lively Poll. "I say, Lumpy, come here," he added, as Bob Lumsden came on deck. "Have 'ee got any o' that coffee left?" "No, not a drop.

Henry then "calls and cries" to his guardian saints and directs that the tomb shall have "a grate, in manner of a closure, of coper and gilte," which was added by English craftsmen. Inside this grille in the early days was an altar, containing a unique relic, a leg of St. George.

"Seems to me as if they've all gone mad," remarked Groggy Fox, with a sarcastic grin. "I would say they was all drunk, or half-seas over," observed the mate, "if it was a coper, but in a Gospel ship that's impossible, 'cause they're teetotal, you know. Isn't that the boat o' the Admiral that's pullin' alongside just now, skipper?" "Looks like it, mate.

"D-do-don't want to," returned Gunter, angrily for it takes little to make some drunk men angry "You don't want to spend your money, you young miser that's what you m-mean. An' yet it's sheap enough, I'm sure. You'll not git anything in the fleet so sheap as you will in the Coper." "There you are wrong," returned Luke, decidedly.