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"Would two lunatics make a Contrack like that?" said Carnehan, with subdued pride, showing me a greasy half-sheet of notepaper on which was written the following. I copied it, then and there, as a curiosity. This Contracx between me and you persuing witnesseth in the name of God Amen and so forth. Signed by you and me this day. Peachey Taliaferro Carnehan. Daniel Dravot. Both Gentlemen at Large.

We are not little men, and there is nothing that we are afraid of except Drink, and we have signed a Contrack on that. Therefore we are going away to be Kings." "Kings in our own right," muttered Dravot. "Yes, of course," I said. "You've been tramping in the sun, and it's a very warm night, and hadn't you better sleep over the notion? Come to-morrow." "Neither drunk nor sunstruck," said Dravot.

"And look ye here; I shall be stayin' at my old adobe, but if the others want fer anything, you understan', get it see?" "Certainly, Mr. Spooner. I shall not fail to call on you, sir, because we want many things." "That's all right; but," his tone grew hard and sharp, "if if she dies, this contrack is broke. The rest kin die too; the sooner the better." "But she won't die, Mr.

"De blacksmif, he sail in fer ter have his fun, en he have so much dat he done clean forgot 'bout his contrack, but bimeby, one day he look down de road, en dar he see de Bad Man comin', en den he know'd de year wuz out. W'en de Bad Man got in de do', de blacksmif wuz poundin' 'way at a hoss-shoe, but he wa'n't so bizzy dat he didn't ax 'im in.

By my reckoning its the top right-hand corner of Afghanistan, not more than three hundred miles from Peshawar. They have two and thirty heathen idols there, and we’ll be the thirty-third. It’s a mountainous country, and the women of those parts are very beautiful“But that is provided against in the Contracksaid Carnehan. “Neither Women nor Liquor, Daniel

"There was no need for the last article," said Carnehan, blushing modestly; "but it looks regular. Now you know the sort of men that loafers are, we are loafers, Dan, until we get out of India, and do you think that we would sign a Contrack like that unless we was in earnest? We have kept away from the two things that make life worth having."

“‘The Contrack only lasted till such time as we was Kings; and Kings we have been these months pastsays Dravot, weighing his crown in his hand. ‘You go get a wife too, Peachey a nice, strappin’, plump girl that’ll keep you warm in the winter. They’re prettier than English girls, and we can take the pick of ’em. Boil ’em once or twice in hot water, and they’ll come as fair as chicken and ham

"Don't you think, Squire, it's rather hard on a poor man, to make him forfeit ten dollars because he can't meet his note?" "A contrack's a contrack," said the squire. "It's the only way to do business." "I think you are taking advantage of me, Squire." "No, I ain't. You needn't hev come to me ef you didn't want to. I didn't ask you to buy the cow.

"You won't enjoy your lives much longer if you are going to try this idiotic adventure. Don't set the office on fire," I said, "and go away before nine o'clock." I left them still poring over the maps and making notes on the back of the "Contrack." "Be sure to come down to the Serai to-morrow," were their parting words.

"You won't enjoy your lives much longer if you are going to try this idiotic adventure. Don't set the office on fire," I said, "and go away before nine o'clock." I left them still poring over the maps and making notes on the back of the "Contrack." "Be sure to come down to the Serai to-morrow," were their parting words.