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'Why Good Fridays, of all days? 'That was the day. Ah! every Good Friday I was used to fight feyther! 'My dear child! 'You would if you'd seed the pig that comforble and contented, and know'd what it'd look like in a minute. I'd a killed feyther if I could. 'But why? Surely it was worse of you to want to kill your father than of him to want to kill the pig? 'I dunno. But I couldn't abear it.

"No, not all night, surely, sir. But I hadn't thought o' going yet for a bit." "Why there's Coombes out there, wet to the skin; and I'm afraid he'll go on pottering at the churchyard bed-clothes till he gets his bones as full of rheumatism as they can hold." "Deary me! I didn't know as my old man was there. He tould me he had them all comforble for the winter a week ago.

He was oblivious of the fact that they were Reddin's bees. Reddin presented them. 'There, he said gruffly; 'now you can be civil again. 'But these be hive-bees! said Hazel, 'and they was comforble to begin with! I dunna want that sort. I wanted miserable uns! 'Hang it! how could I know? asked Reddin irritably. 'No. I suppose you couldna, said Hazel; 'you'm terrible stupid, Jack Reddin!

At last I comes down to the bottom of the sea, and glad I were to git there, becoz now I couldn't go no further. There I lies doubled up like a old sea-sarpint along of the rocks, but warm and comforble like.

'As you wouldn't marry me, Hazel, the least you can do is to come and talk to me sometimes. 'Oh, I canna! 'You must. Any spare time come to this tree. I shall generally be here. 'But why ever? And you a squire with a big place and fine ladies after you! 'Because I choose. 'Leave me be, Mr. Reddin. I be comforble, and Foxy be, and they're all settling so nice. The bird's sung.

I'd liefer mother the bees and foxes as none takes thought on. I dunna like babies much all bald and wrinkly. Martha said as having 'em made folk pray to die, but as it was worth anything to get one. But I dunna think so. I think they'm ugly. I think you're a cruel beast, Jack Reddin, to burn my bees, and they so comforble, knowing I was taking care on 'em.

But you see, arter I left your studero I sets on that pore gal's bed a-cryin' fit to bust; then I goes out into Clement's Alley, and I calls on Mrs. An' there's nothink like the parishes for buryin' folk quick, an' I dessay the coffin's ordered by this time, an' I dessay the gent gev you that money just to make you comforble like, seein' as he killed your darter." That's what Mrs. Mix says to me.

We are far more comfortably housed than the poor Esquimaux, and even Peter there lives no warmer than we do do you, Peter?" "Womegun hetter than this; but this place very comforble. I no fraid freeze here." "Well, George, I must turn doctor now, and try to stop this cold; for as yet it is no worse. Peter, make a fire outside, and heat the iron bailer full of salt water.

So out they had me on deck and began to talk about how they'd finish me rope, knife, or bullet. 'Mates, says I 'shoot me if you like and I'll dies comforbly; or run a knife into me, which is better still; or string me up to the yard-arm, which is the most comforble thing I know.