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"Nothing," said Archie, rising painfully. "We have been at the head of the Colla Hill; and I'm afraid I'm tired: that's all." "And that's enough, I think," said John; for the lad's limbs were trembling under him. "Really, these lads are very inconsiderate. You should not have let them lead you such a chase." "It was me that led them," said Archie, not exactly liking Master John's tone.

My cousin Duncan was there, constable of Urkey village, and he saw it too and came a step out of his corner. It was all over in a wink; Mate Snow lifted his shoulders with a sigh, as much as to say: "You can see how far gone the poor fellow is." The Chinaman, careless of the little by-play, went on. "Mista Sam Kow nice China fella. Mista Minista go to Mista Sam Kow in Infield, washy colla.

Having ruined with fire and sword both the islands, leaving necessary orders at the said castle, they put to sea again, with their Spanish prisoners; yet these they set ashore not long after, on the firm land, near Puerto Velo: then they cruised on Costa Rica, till they came to the river Colla, designing to pillage all the towns in those parts, thence to pass to the village of Nata, to do the same.

Cardan's reply of March 19, 1539, is friendly too friendly indeed and the wonder is that Tartaglia's suspicions were not aroused by its almost sugary politeness. It begins with an attempt to soften down the asperities of their former correspondence, some abuse of Giovanni Colla, and an apology for the rough words of his last epistle.

Tartaglia in his answer is not to be moved from his belief, and tells Cardan flatly that he is still convinced Giovanni Colla took the questions to Milan, where he found no one able to solve them, not even Messer Hieronimo Cardano, and that the mathematician last-named sent them on by the bookseller for solution, as has been already related.

This rainfall, immense though it be, is small as compared with that of other parts of the archipelago; e.g., in Liano, NE. of Mindanao, the average yearly downpour is 142 inches. Gales. The gales of the Philippines may be divided into three classes, known by the local names of Colla, Nortada, and Baguio.

Sir, I scarcely dare to look at the clock, shamefully reminding me, as it must, how long, how shamelessly, I have trespassed on the time of the committee. All I can say in apology is that I have endeavored to keep closely to the topics which I had before me immensum spatiis confecimus aequor, Et jam tempus equum fumantia solvere colla. "These are the proposals of the Government.

Have you never thought, Yen Sin, 'I would like to be a good man'?" The other spread his right hand across his breast. "Mista Yen Sin velly humble dog. Mista Yen Sin no good. Mista Yen Sin's head on le glound. Mista Yen Sin velly good man. Washy colla fine." It was evidently an old point, an established score for the heathen. "Yes, I must say, you do do your work.

"Frater, probatæ sanctitatis æmulus, Germana curvo colla frangit sarculo:" i.e. his brother, jealous of his attested sanctity, fractures his brotherly throat with a curved hedging-bill. "Dang Irenæus!" said Toad-in-the-hole, who now rose impatiently to give the next toast: "Our Irish friends; and a speedy revolution in their mode of tooling, as well as everything else connected with the art!"

The Piazza d'Espagna is open, airy, and pleasantly situated in a high part of the city immediately under the Colla Pinciana, and adorned with two fine fountains. Here most of the English reside: the apartments are generally commodious and well furnished; and the lodgers are well supplied with provisions and all necessaries of life.