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Updated: August 28, 2024

You have an instinct within you which inclines you to attach yourself to some one: you meet Somebody: you hear Somebody constantly praised: you walk, or ride, or waltz, or talk or sit in the same pew at church with Somebody: you meet again, and again, and "Marriages are made in Heave," your dear mamma says, pinning your orange-flowers wreath on, with her blessed eyes dimmed with tears and there is a wedding breakfast, and you take off your white satin and retire to your coach-and-four, and you and he are a happy pair.

SQUIRE. "There, Parson, I hope you'll be in a better humour. You win enough out of us to set up a coach-and-four." "Tut!" muttered the parson; "at the end of the year, I'm not a penny the richer for it all." And, indeed, monstrous as that assertion seemed, it was perfectly true, for the parson portioned out his gains into three divisions. One-third he gave to Mrs.

If that was not his father's horn it was wonderfully like it. At the same moment a coach-and-four swept in sight, driven by a man in a whitey-brown coat and stiff furry hat, with two grooms behind and a coachman next to him on the box. It was heading straight for the club. Every man was on his feet. "By Jove! it's Rutter. Bowdoin! Clayton! here comes the colonel!"

An English peer is marriageable. So here's adieu to my cottage in the air." "Here's good riddance to it," said Frau Brandt. That evening, at the hour of sunset, Maria Dolores met John in the garden. "You had a visitor this afternoon," she announced. "A most inspiritingly young old lady, as soft and white as a powder-puff, in a carriage that was like a coach-and-four. Lady Blanchemain.

He out-argued me on poultry-raising and I know more about that than any man living. He can handle a drill or a coach-and-four; he can tell all about the art of ancient Babylon; and he beat me playing cribbage, which shows that he ain't on the level. He's the best- informed man outside of a university, and he drinks tea of an afternoon with his legs crossed and the saucer balanced on his heel.

SQUIRE. "There, Parson, I hope you'll be in a better humour. You win enough out of us to set up a coach-and-four." "Tut!" muttered the parson; "at the end of the year, I'm not a penny the richer for it all." And, indeed, monstrous as that assertion seemed, it was perfectly true, for the parson portioned out his gains into three divisions. One-third he gave to Mrs.

Early Wednesday morning Logan, in company of Mason Rogers, Samuel Trabue and William Hinkson, set out on horseback for the State capital. On the way they were overtaken by the Gilcrest coach-and-four driven by Uncle Zeke. In the coach sat Hiram Gilcrest, a strange gentleman from Louisville, and the pretended land agent, Graham.

But when we got to the Heathknowes road-end, we beheld a yellow coach, with four horses, a coachman and two outriders, all three in canary-coloured suits. It was early days for such equipages to be seen in Galloway, where, excluding the post-road on which the Irish mail ran from Dumfries to Stranraer, there were few roads and fewer bridges which would bear a coach-and-four.

The neighbours of whom the Smiths saw most were Lord and Lady Carlisle, who drove over from Castle Howard in a coach-and-four with outriders, and were upset in a ploughed field; their son and daughter-in-law, Lord and Lady Georgiana Morpeth, who with their children made "no mean part of the population of Yorkshire"; and the Archbishop of York, who became one of the Smiths' kindest and most faithful friends.

A rustle of petticoats and Diana was beside me, a radiant vision in the gown she could not hook up for herself, and side by side, we went to meet our guests, and thus beheld a coach-and-four galloping along the lane, the sedate Atkinson seated in the rumble and upon the box the tall, athletic form of Anthony, flourishing his whip in joyous salutation, a cheery, glad-eyed Anthony; and beholding her who sat so close beside him, I understood this so great change in him.

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