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"But I kin see a reason, Deacon. If this here young man was a member of your family, so to speak, and was related to you clost by ties of love and marriage, I don't see how he'd have a right to hold his hand.... Want this man's daughter f'r your wedded wife, don't you?" "Yes," said the parson, faintly. "Hear that, Deacon? Hear that?" "Never, by the hornswoggled whale that swallered Jonah."

I see the preacher a-standin' there, clost to thet ole maid of Miss Lav'lotte's, and if you say so " "But, Nate, I ain't dressed up! That is, not bridy, you know." He looked down at her such a mite in her black swathings! and smiled. "You ain't nothin' but a child, Lucy, and I'll have to be husband and father, both. But I'll look after you close, dear, and be good to the babbies.

How the law-makers, born and nussed by wimmen and dependent on 'em for comfort and happiness, use the wimmen's tax money to help make laws makin' her of no legal importance only as helpless figgers to hang taxation and punishment on. Old Mom Nater had been listenin' clost, her sky-blue eyes shinin' with joy to see her own sect present such a noble appearance in the parade.

I'm watchin' like a lynx; an' I'm that harrowed, if Yuba so much as sneezes or drops his hat or makes a r'arward move of his hand, I'm doo to open on him. But he stands still as a hill an' nothin' more menacin' than grins. As I comes clost he offers his hand.

Sundown, once one of our Leading Hoboes, now a Wealthy Rancher, visits the Metrokolis on Mysterious Errand. Huh! I guess mebby that wouldn't ketch a good one, mebby with money." But the proverbial fly must appear in the equally proverbial amber. "'Bout as clost as them papers ever come to it," he soliloquized.

"But but you're a woman!" Rasba exclaimed. "Suppose a mean man came aboard your boat, and and tried to rob you," Nelia asked, level voiced, "what would you do?" "Why, course, I'd I'd likely stop him." "You'd throw him overboard?" "Well if hit were clost to the bank an' he could swim, I mout." Nelia and the Caopes laughed aloud, and Rasba joined in the merriment.

"When Bowlaigs gets outside, he finds he can't crawl onder the teepee none, seein' it's settin' too clost to the ground; an' tharupon, bein' a one-ideed b'ar, he sort o' runs his right arm in beneath that edifice an' up-ends the entire shebang, same as his old mother would a log when she's grub-huntin' in the hills.

The bowl of reparation had been emptied to its last atoning dregs. She mounted to the side of "Saint Mark," she bowed and smiled, made promises, gave thanks again, and waved herself out of Rusty at last. She had never felt so flattered and so warmed at heart. "I'm agoin'," quoth Saint Mark, "right clost to Miss Blake's.

Shoop's gun jumped from its holster and covered the sheep-man. "If one of your lousy herders done this, he'll graze clost to hell to-night with the rest of your dam' sheep!" he cried. "Easy, Bud!" cautioned Wingle. "The boss ain't passed over yet. Bill, you help Sinker here get the boss back home. The rest of you boys hit the trail for the Blue. Fadeaway is like to be up in that country."

No, sir; kept us off with poles an' asked for me. "When I got in clost they told me the Rosan had found you, and handed me an envelope with a message inside of it. Just as I was goin' away there came the most awful clickin' an' flashin' amidships I ever saw " "Wireless," said Code. "Wal, I've heard of it, but I never see it before; an' I come away as quick as I could."