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"No, Major," said I, trying to look serious, "we are not so fortunate." "I have no doubt, however," said Clayley with a malicious wink, "but that we'll have them here in a squirrel's jump. They must have heard the report of our guns." A complete change became visible in the major's bearing.

"Look, Captain!" cried Clayley; "Don Cosme and his people, by the living earthquake!" "Hush! do not touch me do not speak to me!" I felt as though my heart would stop beating. It rose in my bosom, and seemed to hang for minutes without moving. My throat felt dry and husky, and a cold perspiration broke out upon my skin. He approaches her he asks her to dance she consents! No: she refuses.

"Pah! that's nothing. I came out expecting to bury the whole kit of you. Here's Clayley, too. Clayley, your friend Twing's with us; you'll find him in the rear." "Ha! Clayley, old boy!" cried Twing, coming up; "no bones broken? all right? Take a pull; do you good don't drink it all, though leave a thimbleful for Haller there. How do you like that?"

Presently the dust was wafted aside, a dozen dark forms became visible, and in the midst a bright object flashed under the sun like a sheet of gold. At the same instant an insulting shout broke from the guerilleros, and a voice was heard exclaiming: "Cenobio! Cenobio! Los canones!" Clayley turned towards me with an inquiring look. "It is true, Clayley; by heavens, we'll have it now!"

"No, I'll be hanged if I am!" growled the latter, screwing his neck round like a lizard, and looking up without changing the attitude of his body. Clayley was convulsed with laughter. The major sheathed his head again, as he knew that another shot from the howitzer might soon be expected. "Major," cried Clayley, "that right shoulder of yours projects over at least six inches."

Don Cosme's rancho was at least ten miles from the lines, and the road would not be the safest for the solitary lover. The prospect of frequent returns was not at all flattering. "Can't we steal out at night?" suggested Clayley. "I think we might mount half a dozen of our fellows, and do it snugly. What do you say, Captain?" "Clayley, I cannot return without this brother.

Before I could reply, an object appeared that drew our attention, and heightened the mosaic upon the major's cheeks. A man, strangely attired, was seen running down the slope towards the spot where we were standing. "Guerillas, by Jove!" exclaimed Clayley, in a voice of feigned terror; and he pointed to the scarlet sash which was twisted around the man's waist.

"Try it again!" cried one. "That fellow has lost a champagne supper," said Twing. "More likely he has had it, or his aim would be more steady," suggested an officer. "Oysters, too only think of it!" said Clayley. "Howld your tongue, Clayley, or by my sowl I'll charge down upon the town!"

In this painful position I contrived to get a couple of swallows; but I should think I took in quite as much at my nose and ears. Clayley and Chane followed our example, the Irishman swearing loudly that it was a "burnin' shame to make a dacent Christyin dhrink like a horse in winkers." Our guards now commenced driving our mules out of the water.

Such is the history of many a love. I can vouch for it. How different with "Tell my friend, when he returns to the house, that I wish to see him." "Yes, master." The servant bowed and left the room. In a few minutes Clayley made his appearance, gay as a grasshopper. "So, good lieutenant, you have been improving your time, I hear?" "Haven't I, though? Such a delicious stroll!