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Updated: August 7, 2024

There was an attack made upon him last night on account of that blessed chaplaincy, which has been more trouble to me than it is worth. I suppose he'll throw it up now. But I wash my hands of the matter. I wonder how you girls can encourage that chattering woman to come here." "Papa!" cried Janey, ever on the defensive, "we hate her! It is you who encourage her to come here."

At last she stood in front of him. "What made you come to-day?" she asked. Her large restless eyes looked full of anger as she spoke. "I came to-day partly because I am going away very soon, so I thought that it might be " He hesitated. "But where are you going?" Molly asked abruptly. "I am to take a chaplaincy at Lord Lofton's." "And your preaching?" cried Molly in astonishment.

He said he thought it was unnecessary to have a passport in Spain when one had once journeyed in the country. "I want to go to Madrid," said he to me, "and hope to obtain a chaplaincy in the house of a grandee. I have a letter for him." "Shew it; they will let you pass then." "You are right."

But if it were not for these, many of our sick and dying would be utterly destitute of Christian influence, and our dead would be buried more like dogs than like Christian heroes. We fear that the Government does not properly appreciate the importance of the chaplaincy in the army, and hence does not give sufficient inducement for true men to enter this difficult field of labor.

John Witherspoon? It was Duché's fear that the cause for which he had prayed so eloquently in the first Continental Congress was doomed after the capture of Philadelphia, and his unwillingness to go down with that cause instead of enjoying the comfortable fruits of his native wit and eloquence in an easy London chaplaincy.

The news," he gravely added, "is, that I am appointed to the Hazeldon chaplaincy." "Oh, William!" The sudden revulsion of feeling from intense, undefined terror to joyful surprise, was too much to bear calmly. Her emotion overpowered her, and she burst into tears. Mr. Yorke compelled her to sit down on the bench, and stood over her his arm on her shoulder, her hand clasped in his.

"The sudden popularity of The Village" writes Crabbe's son and biographer, "must have produced, after the numberless slights and disappointments already mentioned, and even after the tolerable success of The Library, about as strong a revulsion in my father's mind as a ducal chaplaincy in his circumstances; but there was no change in his temper or manners.

"Oh, Reginald, don't go and leave us," cried Janey, leaning on the back of his chair; "what can we do without you? When he comes in, in a rage like to-night, as long as you are here one can bear it. Oh, Reginald, can't you, can't you take the chaplaincy? Think what it would be for us."

There was no chance, alas! of money from James, and even if Reginald accepted the chaplaincy, and was willing at once to come to his father's aid, there was no hope that he would have anything for some time for chaplains incomes are not, any more than other people's, generally paid in advance.

I might have been able to get a parish in England or a chaplaincy, but I should have always looked upon the desertion of my poor people as a moral delinquency.

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