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Updated: August 28, 2024

Leslie had had the bad taste or perhaps it was misfortune to blurt out an agonised "I told you so" at a time when the family was sitting numb and hushed under the blight of the first horrid blow. He did not mean to be unfeeling. It was the truth bursting from his unhappy lips. "I knew Chal would come to this I knew it," he had said.

At last the engro seized the chal by the Belcher's handkerchief, which he wore in a knot round his neck, and do whatever the chal could, he could not free himself; and when the engro saw that, it gave him fresh heart, no doubt: "It's of no use," said he; "you had better give in; hold out your hands for the darbies, or I will throttle you."

"M'ee take Uvin Chal!" "Aw, now, you don't wanta go and act like that. Listen here, Boy. You lay down here and go to sleep. You can search me for what it is you're trying to say, but I guess you want your mama, maybe, or your bottle, chances are. Aw, looky!" Bud pulled his watch from his pocket a man's infallible remedy for the weeping of infant charges and dangled it anxiously before Lovin Child.

Now, brother, had I but bent a finger in favour of the Rommany chal, the plastramengro would never have come alive out of the lane; but I did not, for I thought to myself fair play is a precious stone; so you see, brother—’ ‘That you are quite right, Mr. Petulengro, I see that clearly; and now, pray proceed with your narration; it is both moral and entertaining.’ But Mr.

Joter means together. So my father cried again, "Gipsy, here!" But as he hallooed there came a great blast of wind, and the little ladies and all flew away in the sky like birds in a storm, and all he heard was a laughing and "Rom-ma-ny jo-ter!" softer and softer, till all was done. Yeckorus a Rommany chal kaired adusta wongur, and was boot barvelo an' a boro rye.

He asked himself this question and finally put it to the old woman, who watched him with bright, twinkling eyes. "She's gone for mischief," answered Gentilla, nodding positively. "For mischief's as natural to her as cheating is to a Romany chal. But I'm a dealer of cards myself, rye, and I deal myself the best hand."

Every land shall be ours; every gift of paradise within our reach riches, power, children. Come back to your own people; be a true daughter of the Ry of Rys; live with your Romany chal. You will never be at home anywhere else. It's in your bones; it's in your blood; it's deeper than all. Here, now, come to me my wife."

As they moved forward through the silent forest the gypsy sang softly to himself: "The Romany chal to his horse did cry As he placed the bit in his jaw, Kosko gry, Romany gry, Muk, man, kuster, tute knaw." He was still humming this weird tune when they emerged into the open fields, and there the traveler experienced a surprise.

In the autobiography even the sketches are intimate, like that of the "Anglo-Germanist," William Taylor; and they are not less surprising than the Spanish sketches, from the Rommany chal who "fought in the old Roman fashion. He bit, he kicked, and screamed like a wild cat of Benygant; casting foam from his mouth, and fire from his eyes" from this man upwards and downwards.

"Kushto," penned the Rommany chal, "for cammoben to tute, rya, I'll jal avree!" Once a policeman chased a Gipsy, and the Gipsy ran into the river, that was full of great pieces of floating ice, and there he stood up to his neck with only his head out. "Come out," cried a gentleman that pitied the poor man, "and we'll let you go!" "No," said the Gipsy; "I won't move."

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