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Halliards, sheets, and tacks were let go, but the yards were still braced up, and the sails could not be clewed down. Before the vessel could get before the wind her lee side was buried in the water. The conviction seized every mind that a capsize was inevitable, and there was a general rush towards the weather gunwale, and a desperate clutching at the shrouds.

Clumsily they entered the whale-boats, and even on board the cutter they squatted anxiously down and dared hardly move for fear the ship might capsize or they might slip into the water, of which they were quite afraid. They could hardly speak, and stared at everything, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. They forgot their fears, however, in delight over our possessions.

"As long as I'm the one that get's wrecked I'm going to pick out a soft spot to get wrecked on." "Why not capsize some distance out in the water and swim ashore?" suggested Migwan. "Of course!" exclaimed Sahwah. "Why didn't we think of that before? Geese!" "This is the way we'll start, then," said Migwan, taking out her notebook and scribbling in it with a pencil. "Scene One.

We think it far more important to construct a boat that will hardly capsize at all, than to build one that will right itself after capsizing; for we repeat our opinion, that the latter boat will prove liable to upset just in proportion to her capability of self-righting.

And they feel they're labouring together to get along, all in the proper proportion; and whether he has to labour in life or not, he proves his ability. What do you think of it, Miss Middleton?" "I think you have only to propose it, Colonel De Craye." "And if they capsize, why, 'tis a natural ducking!" "You forgot the lady's dressing-bag."

The iemschik leapt from his seat and seized the horses' heads, for terrible danger threatened the whole party. The tarantass was at a standstill at a turning of the road, down which swept the hurricane; it was absolutely necessary to hold the animals' heads to the wind, for if the carriage was taken broadside it must infallibly capsize and be dashed over the precipice.

"If you were not at all drunk," replied R , "you were very nearly drowned; and you don't mean to tell me, that you could ever capsize that dingy without being drunk?" "Notottoll, my Lord," persisted Tom; "Dick, my Lord, took a broad sheer to starboard, and capsized the boat. We warn't drunk, my Lord, notottoll."

In case of a gale the sails must be lowered and lashed to the deck, and all hands must go below and fasten the hatchways securely. She has no ballast except her stores, but I think she will be perfectly safe; there is very little chance of her capsizing.” “With such beam and such a depth of keel,” said the first lieutenant, “she could not possibly capsize.

The dug-out, the most tricksy craft afloat, rocked violently in the commotion and threatened to capsize. Then, as it finally righted, its course was hastily changed, and under the impetus of panic terror it went shooting down the river at a tremendous speed. "Why, what does all this meant" demanded Gordon. "Don't ye talk ter me, boss!" the boatman, with chattering teeth, adjured his passenger.

They swim with great speed, throwing themselves forward in jerks, and filling the air with their gurgling bellowing cry; yet if they like they can swim so quietly that not the least ripple is heard. A wounded hippopotamus stirs up the water so that a small canoe may capsize in the swell from his forequarters.