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He obtained, besides, great resources in cattle and horses, and it seemed possible that he might obtain the cooeperation of the plainsmen of the Apure Valley, the old followers of Boves, now followers of Jose Antonio Paez, a lover of personal liberty and a sworn foe of the Spanish regime. Piar's Death. Victory of Calabozo. Second Defeat at La Puerta. Submission of Paez

It was accompanied by no shock, and, what is very remarkable, was as loud on the coast as at eighty leagues inland; and at Caracas, as well as at Calabozo, preparations were made to put the place in defence against an enemy who seemed to be advancing with heavy artillery. They might as well have copied the St.

The astronomical determinations of Calabozo and Concepcion del Pao are very important to the geography of this country, where, in the midst of savannahs, fixed points are altogether wanting. Some fruit-trees grow in the vicinity of Pao: they are rarely seen in the Llanos. We even found some cocoa-trees, which appeared very vigorous, notwithstanding the great distance of the sea.

Vizcarra and Roblado were in a state bordering upon madness. Both stormed and swore, at the same time ordering the whole garrison under arms. In a few minutes nearly every soldier of the Presidio had vaulted to his saddle, and was galloping in the direction of the town. The Calabozo was surrounded. There was the hole through which the captive had got off.

Once lodged in the guard-house prison, he would be surrounded by walls of stone. There would be no hope of cutting his way through them. It was probable enough he should be taken there; and yet why should they fear his escape from the Calabozo fast bound as they believed him unarmed, guarded by vigilant sentinels? No. They would not dream of his getting off.

I found myself in a kind of round cellar, paved with large flagstones, and lighted by five or six narrow slits in the walls. The officer told me I must order what food required to be brought once a day, as no one was allowed to come into the 'calabozo', or dungeon, by night. "How about lights?" "You may lave one lamp always burning, and that will be enough, as books are not allowed.

He would, therefore, not have long to wait before the new sentries should present themselves in his cell. One thought troubled him. Would they keep him in the Calabozo that night, or take him back to the Presidio for better security? If the latter, his only chance would be as she had suggested to make a desperate effort, and escape on the route.

It is presumed these beasts of burden may be employed in the conveyance of merchandise across the burning plains of Casanare, from the Apure and Calabozo, which in the season of drought resemble the deserts of Africa.

If he show any signs of being insolent, as he has already been to both of us, let us have him arrested, and cooled a few hours in the calabozo. I hope the fellow will give us an excuse for it, for I haven't forgotten his impudence at the fiesta." "You are right, Roblado; I shall stay and heur him. It will be better, I think, and will allay any suspicion. But, as you say, he can have none!"

Till now he had enjoyed only the astonishment and admiration produced by his experiments on persons destitute of all information, and who had never quitted the solitude of the Llanos; our abode at Calabozo gave him a satisfaction altogether new. It may be supposed that he set some value on the opinions of two travellers who could compare his apparatus with those constructed in Europe.