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Down in Johnstown proper they think "Chal" Dick is either drunk or crazy. Two newspaper men bunked with him last night and found he was not afflicted in either sense. He is the only recognized head in the borough of Kernville, where every man, woman and child know him as "Chal," and greet him as he passes by. "Yes," he said to me last night, "I saw it all. My house was on Somerset street.

All the previous night, despite the grumbling protest of the overseer with whom he had bunked, a lamp had burned beside the bed; yet even then he could not sleep. Whether or no he felt contrition for the past, this man, he could not have told, he never paused to consider. All he knew was that he had a deathly fear of this silent waste and of a certain human who dwelt somewhere therein.

Down the study passage a gramophone struck up Florrie was a Flapper. In Study 34 there was an awful stillness. That evening on the way down to supper Gordon overheard Armour say to Meredith: "What a fool that man Jeffries is, getting bunked, and mucking up the grovel. Damned ass, the man is." Meredith agreed. Gordon didn't care very much just now about the result of a House match.

I went up the hill to where the Ohio troop bunked. They had one of the big troop cabins that holds two patrols. I guess they were a pretty fine troop, because they had everything fixed up dandy. One patrol was called the Royal Bengal Tigers, and the other was called the African Tigers, and both patrols wore yellow scarfs with black stripes, and all their scout staffs had tigers' heads on them.

You be gentle with him, Dan, 'r I'll give you twice what I've give him. Them hemmeridges clears the head. Let him sluice it off!" Troop went down solemnly into the cabin, where he and the older men bunked, leaving Dan to comfort the luckless heir to thirty millions. "I warned ye," said Dan, as the drops fell thick and fast on the dark, oiled planking.

So they made two boxes and buried them on the hill, side by side. In death, as in life, they bunked together. Their shoepacks they left at the foot of their graves, as I had found them, and the pipe they smoked in common, to show that they were chums. There was no priest and no time to fetch one.

"Once I knows Peets to pass on the failin' condition of a tenderfoot who's bunked in an' allows he'll die a lot over to the O. K. Restauraw. Peets decides this yere shorthorn needs abstinence from licker. Peets breaks the news to the onhappy victim, an' puts him on water till the crisis shall be past.

"The mob's got the temple, even if you got the girl. There's a verse writ in charcoal on the portal: "'Large house, tall steeple, Silly priests, deluded people. "That's how it is for the temple, and the mob's bunked there. But the girl may have changed her mind, too." The young man's expression became wistful and gentle, yet serenely sure. "I guess you never knew Prudence at all well," he said.

It's your man Mason, an' you've bunked me int' letting him have all this time for his get-away!" "That is true, Haggerty. I had a debt to pay." Crawford spun a billiard ball down the table. "Mr. Crawford, I'm going t' show you that I'm a good sport. You've challenged me. All right. I want that man, an' by th' Lord Harry, I'm going t' get him.

She had bunked home, obeying the orders of her thoughtful brother, but she had bottled back again like a shot, so as not to be out of the scrape. She is almost worthy to be a boy for some things. She spoke to Mr Magistrate and said 'Where are you taking him? The outraged majesty of the magistrate said, 'To prison, you naughty little girl. Alice said, 'Noel will faint.