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In old times it was said to be dangerous to go on the roads or paths near the coast, as the Strandvarsler were often met. They were ghosts of people who had been drowned and still lay unburied in the sea. It is related that one evening a Strandvarsel jumped on a Bonders back and shouted, 'Carry me to church! The Bonde had to obey, and went the nearest way to the church.

"Ah! you have the chief Skald of all the world in your land!" cried Gueldmar, bringing his fist down with a jovial thump on the table. "He can teach you all that you need to know." "Skald?" queried Lorimer dubiously. "Oh, you mean bard. I suppose you allude to Shakespeare?" "I do," said the old bonde enthusiastically, "he is the only glory of your country I envy!

The young men seated themselves on a pleasant knoll under some tall pines, there to wait a quarter of an hour or so, while the bonde went forward to prepare Thelma. On second thoughts, the old man asked Errington to accompany him, a request to which he very readily acceded, and these two, leaving the others to follow at their leisure, went on their way rapidly.

However, he threw his hook at them, but could not drag the yearlings down to the sea, as they were protected by the virtue in the mountain ash. His hook stuck in its twigs, and the yearlings came home with it, and the Bonde hung it up in his house by the chimney.

Meanwhile, Olaf Gueldmar, with Errington and the others, had just landed at Bosekop after a heavy pull across the Fjord, and they made straight for Mr. Dyceworthy's house, the bonde working himself up as he walked into a positive volcano of wrath.

"Art thou a traveller's guide to all such places in Norway?" Somewhat to Errington's surprise, Svensen changed color and appeared confused; moreover, he removed his red cap altogether when he answered the bonde, to whom he spoke deferentially in rapid Norwegian. The old man laughed as he listened, and seemed satisfied; then, turning away, he linked his arm through Philip's, and said,

Grøn laughed, and said, 'As you have drank with me, you shall have something, so take the leash you have held my hounds with. Grøn rode away, and the Bonde kept the leash, and as long as he did so all things prospered; but at last he thought it was of little value, and threw it away. He then gradually grew poorer and poorer, and died in great poverty."

They assented readily; but the foal ridden by Herr Øve Lunge went like a bird, and two black boars followed, rooting up the line the foal took, so as to enclose the land. On his way, Herr Øve Lunge met a Bonde with an axe, and he was obliged to turn aside, as the evil one has no power against an edge of steel. Therefore there were many irregularities in the foal's course.

I told the bonde so; I did, indeed I And then I went to Sir Philip he is such a grand gentleman, so proud and yet so kind, and I asked him to let me still be your servant.

We lived a solitary happy life, but we did not mix with our neighbors our creeds were different, our ways apart from theirs. We had some time of perfect happiness together. Three years passed before our child was born, and then" the bonde paused awhile, and again continued, "then my wife's health grew frail and uncertain.