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"Nothing that bodes any good to us," replied Mr Ross. He had been in critical positions like this before, and now as the scent of battle once more was on him he handed his gun with pleasure and rejoiced in the excitement of the hour.

And as when the great sea is troubled with a dumb wave, and dimly bodes the sudden paths of the shrill winds, but is still unmoved nor yet rolled forward or to either side, until some steady gale comes down from Zeus, even so the old man pondered, his mind divided this way and that, whether he should fare into the press of the Danaans of the swift steeds, or go after Agamemnon, son of Atreus, shepherd of the host.

"I saw a live man yesterday, whom I did not at all like to see Sharpe, walking with our good cousin, Sir Robert Percy, in close conversation. This conjunction, I fear, bodes us no good. Pray, do pray make another search for the deed. "Your affectionate son,

Asmund said, "Of him I say, that he will be a strong man and an unruly, and, certes, of wrathful mood, and heavy enough he has been to me." Thorkel answered, "That bodes no good, friend; but how shall we settle about our riding to the Thing next summer?" Asmund answered, "I am growing heavy for wayfaring, and would fain sit at home." "Wouldst thou that Atli go in thy stead?" said Thorkel.

The son of Peleus from the other side sprang forth to meet him, like some fierce lion that the whole country-side has met to hunt and kill at first he bodes no ill, but when some daring youth has struck him with a spear, he crouches openmouthed, his jaws foam, he roars with fury, he lashes his tail from side to side about his ribs and loins, and glares as he springs straight before him, to find out whether he is to slay, or be slain among the foremost of his foes even with such fury did Achilles burn to spring upon Aeneas.

Away with blank misgivings, fears, and doubts! He will climb the rugged, steep ascent, and follow even unto the end. The following morning a little before sunrise saw a party of five assembled for a hawking expedition on the downs. It was somewhat of a peculiar dawn one of those dull grey mornings which often bodes a fine day.

My dear wife, the partner of early cares and successes, is, I fear, frail in health though I trust and pray she may see me out. Indeed, if this troublesome complaint goes on it bodes no long existence. My brother was affected with the same weakness, which, before he was fifty, brought on mortal symptoms. The poor Major had been rather a free liver.

The struggle did not last long, for Paaker seemed to shrink up, and lost his human form, and fell at the poet's feet not my son, but a shapeless lump of clay such as the potter uses to make jars of." "A strange dream!" exclaimed Ameni, not without agitation. "A very strange dream, but it bodes you good. Clay, Setchem, is yielding, and clearly indicates that which the Gods prepare for you.

"Haven't any idea," replied Colonel Anderson. "Well, you can take my word for it they are up to some mischief," declared Chester. "This silence bodes no good for us, I'll bet." "Well, as long as they let us alone, it's a point in our favor," declared Colonel Anderson. "It is less than an hour until daylight now. Then we shall have help."

He was conscious of wishing that he might kill the cool Englishman, and though his expression betrayed nothing but annoyance a little colour rose and settled on his cheek-bones; and that bodes no good in the faces of dark men when they are naturally pale.