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"No, he said he found a pair of shoes." "For all that you are wrong, Jenny, and he is right there were two; and, what is more, Tom Yates had got the other, threatening to blow out his brains if he moved, so down he sat on the dresser and took it quite easy and whistled a tune while we trussed the other beggar with his own bludgeon and our chokers.

I kept cool, doubled my right, and put in a heavy one from the armpit; you know, Tom; caught him just under the chin, you might have heard his jaw crack a mile off; down goes my man on his back flat on the bricks, and his bludgeon rattled one way and his knife the other such a lark. Oh! oh! oh! what are you doing, Robinson, you hurt me most confoundedly I won't tell you any more.

The warlock of Essendean, they say, had made a mirror in which men could read the future; it must have been of other stuff than burning coal; for in all the shapes and pictures that I sat and gazed at, there was never a ship, never a seaman with a hairy cap, never a big bludgeon for my silly head, or the least sign of all those tribulations that were ripe to fall on me.

Perhaps the steamer is not going to sink. "Whoopy!" Corkey is under the steamer's side, deep in the waves. He goes down suddenly, cold, frightened, benumbed. He feels that some one is trying to pull the rope out of his hands. It must be Lockwin. The drowning man clutches with a hundred forces. The tug increases. The struggling man will lose the rope. Lockwin is striking Corkey with a bludgeon.

'In the interpretation of a rigid morality arming you legal gentlemen to make it so! 'The Law must be vindicated. 'The law is a clumsy bludgeon. 'We think it the highest effort of human reason the practical instrument. 'You may compare it to a rustic's finger on a fiddlestring, for the murdered notes you get out of the practical instrument. 'I am bound to defend it, clumsy bludgeon or not.

"There's my answer!" rejoined Wild, hurling the bludgeon at him, with such fatal effect, that striking him on the head it brought him instantly to the ground. "Ah! traitor!" cried Jack, pulling the trigger of his pistol. Anticipating this, Wild avoided the shot by suddenly, ducking his head.

But in his flight he fell on the slope of the Capitol, and was killed by a blow on the temples from the bludgeon of one of his furious pursuers Publius Satureius and Lucius Rufus afterwards contested the infamous honour before the statues of the seven kings at the temple of Fidelity; with him three hundred others were slain, not one by weapons of iron.

To still further emphasize his words, shaggy Hanák whirled his knobby bludgeon above his head, and shied it frantically at the officer, who warded off the blow with his sword, and the same instant a young private transfixed the braggart so vigorously that the end of his bayonet stuck in the ground behind.

His face was blacker than smoked meat, and so wide, that there was a good palm's distance between his eyes; his cheeks were huge, his nostrils also, with a very big flat nose; thick lips as red as embers, and long teeth yellow and smoke colour. He wore leathern shoes and gaiters, kept up with string at the knees; on his back was a parti-coloured coat. He was leaning upon a stout bludgeon.

Michele at once procured a stout bludgeon, and lay in wait every night behind the door. But it happened that Salvator and Antonio judged it prudent to omit their serenading in the Via Ripetta for some nights preceding the carrying into execution of their plan, so as not to remind the old gentleman of his adversaries.