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'I thout he was a thinken of the white cow as choked 'erself with the tunnup that was skipped in the chopping, said the boy, as he spoke of his master afterwards to the old groom. At last, however, a thought seemed to strike Belton. 'Do you get on Brag, he said to the boy, 'and ride off to Goldingham Corner, and tell Daniel to bring the horse home again. I shan't hunt today.

They used to say in the nursery that cold pudding is good to settle a man's love; but the receipt which Belton tried was a walk of sixteen miles, along a dusty road, after dinner, in the middle of an August day. I think it did him some good. When he got back he took a long draught of home-brewed beer, and then went up stairs to dress himself.

I don't think he even knew the old squire; and there is no reason why he should go to the funeral. 'No reason at all, said Belton who felt that Captain Aylmer's presence at the Castle would be an insult to himself.

When we thus expose the traitors, we shall earn the gratitude of the government and our race will be treated with more consideration in the future. We will add another page to the glorious record of our people's devotion by thus spurning these traitors." "Belton, I tell you frankly that my share in that kind of business will be infinitessimally small. But go on.

I could swear to the sound of his foot. Doesn't he step as though he were Belton of Belton, and conscious that everything belonged to him? Then there was a pause. 'He has been shown in to Colonel Askerton. What on earth could he want with him? 'He has called to tell him something about the cottage, said Clara, endeavouring to speak as though she were calm through it all. 'Cottage! Fiddlestick!

The room in which the meeting was held was on the side of the "mansion" furthest from the dormitory from which Belton had just come. The "mansion" dog was Belton's friend, and a soft whistle quieted his bark. Belton stole around to the side of the house, where the meeting was being held. The weather was mild and the window was hoisted.

Nevertheless, he was to be her husband, and she would do her duty. What might have happened had Will Belton come to Belton Castle before she had known Frederic Aylmer of that she stoutly resolved that she would never think at all; and consequently the thought was always intruding upon her. 'You will sleep one night in town, of course? said Will. 'I suppose so. You know all about it.

The chairman, Belton Piedmont, quietly said: "Not ready." All eyes were then pointed eagerly and inquiringly to him. He called the senior member of the house to the chair and came down upon the floor to speak. We are now about to record one of the most remarkable feats of oratory known to history.

Love does not go by worth. She did not love her cousin as she must love any man to whom she could give her hand and, alas! she did love that other man. On this night I doubt whether Belton did slumber with that solidity of repose which was usual to him. At any rate, before he came down in the morning he had found time for sufficient thought, and had brought himself to a resolution.

'Why, Mr Belton, I didn't think you could be so furious! 'Can't I? When my back's up, it is up! But it isn't up yet. 'And I hope it won't be up while you remain in Somersetshire. 'I won't answer for that. There's Stovey's empty cart standing just where it stood yesterday; and he promised he'd have it home before three today. My back will be up with him if he doesn't mind himself.