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"Morphia, cinchonia, quinia, lobelia, belladonna, narcotina, bromine, arsenicum, strychnos colubrina, brucoea ferruginea," muttered the savant, as he examined one vial after the other and replaced it. "Brucoea ferruginea ha! brucine!

Give 10 grains of permanganate of potassium in a pint of water acidulated with sulphuric acid, and repeat the dose every half hour. Belladonna by mouth, or atropine hypodermically. Patient must be kept roused by dashing cold water over him, flagellating with a wet towel, walking about, etc.

Identical with those of belladonna and hyoscyamus, the post-mortem appearances and treatment being also the same. When smoked, produces intoxication and mania. Hashish, used in the East as a narcotic, may cause persons to run 'amok' and commit murder. =Cocaine.= Any dose above 1/2 grain applied to a mucous membrane or injected hypodermically may give rise to alarming symptoms.

The mother gave them to him. He examined them with care, and pointed out to the doctor several red stains on the poor rags. The doctor touched his forehead, and turned over with a feverish hand the small linen the rough waistcoat searched the pockets, and found dozens of a small fruit-like cherries, half crushed. "Belladonna!" he exclaimed.

Yet the poison used was belladonna, selected because this victim had purchased some and because it would seem sure, therefore, that he had committed suicide." We sat in silence, listening, horrified. "There is still another matter," Kennedy went on, after a moment. "The fire in the negative vault this morning was incendiary.

And he expressly asserts the entire nullity of the influence of all the Homoeopathic remedies tried by him in modifying, so far as he could observe, the progress or termination of diseases. It deserves notice that he experimented with the most boasted substances, cinchona, aconite, mercury, bryonia, belladonna.

And although engaged in the matter-of-fact occupation of searching for landshells, by turning over the stones, I could not help being struck with the beauty of the terraced walks and overhanging gardens; the beautiful belladonna lily here run wild in great abundance made a fine show.

It will be observed that this is a fair picture of a typical case of scarlet fever. A homeopathic prescriber, when called to a scarlet fever patient exhibiting in a marked degree three or more of the above-described symptoms, would give a trituration of belladonna, say 6x. In numberless cases the fever has subsided and its symptoms have rapidly disappeared under such treatment.

"S-s-s-sh!" says I. "Belladonna. Besides, I always forget the good ones I read in the comic section." "Please!" insists Betty. "Every one else is being so stupid. And you're supposed to entertain me, you know." "Well," says I, "I did hear kind of a rich one while I was waitin' at the club for Mr. Robert today only I don't know as " "Listen, everybody," announces Betty vivacious.

He has a faint flicker of liking for brunettes; she lays her triumphant fingers on her "walnut stain," and darkens into the favorite tint. He loves plumpness, and her "Sinai Manna" is at hand to secure embonpoint. Belladonna flashes on him from her eyes, Kohl and antimony deepen the blackness of her eyebrows, "bloom of roses" blushes from her lips.