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Updated: August 20, 2024

In the latter he found the duplicate of Bedreddin's docket of sale to the Jew, naming him as Bedreddin Hassan, son of Noureddin Ali of Cairo. No sooner had he read this, than he cried out and fell down in a swoon; and when he revived, he wondered and said, "There is no god but God the Omnipotent! O my daughter, dost thou know who took thy maidenhead?"

Tears are become to you a habit, O my eyes! So that ye weep as well for gladness as for pain. Presently, Bedreddin's mother came in and fell on him, repeating the following verses: When we met, to each other we both did complain Of the manifold things that we each had to say; For the lover's complaint of the anguish he feels The tongue of a messenger cannot convey.

Bedreddin's countenance changed when he perceived that the lady who spoke to him was the charming person he had lain with before; he therefore entered the room; but, calling to mind all that had passed for an interval of ten years, and not being able to persuade himself that it could have happened in one night, he went to the place where his clothes and the purse of sequins lay, and, after examining them very carefully, By Heaven, cried he, these are things that I can by no means comprehend!

Presently up came the fox, according to his wont, and stood over against the figure; whereupon Shureih came behind him and took him: hence the saying." When the Sultan heard Bedreddin's explanation, he said to his uncle Shemseddin, "Verily, this thy nephew is perfect in all kinds of culture. I do not believe that his like is to be found in Egypt."

As soon as it was day, I got up in hopes to see once more the object that disturbed my repose; and, to engage her affection, I dressed myself yet more nicely than I had done the day before. I had but just got to Bedreddin's shop, when I saw the lady coming in more magnificent apparel than before, and attended by her slave.

She likewise gave part of it to the eunuch; but they had eaten so heartily at Bedreddin's house, that they could not taste it. Agib no sooner touched the piece of cream-tart that had been set before him, than he pretended that he did not like it, and left it uncut. The widow of Noureddin Ali observed, with regret, that her grandson did not like the tart.

Now there was among the troops one who had been a servant of the deceased Vizier, and when he heard this order he spurred his steed and rode at full speed to Bedreddin's house, where he found him sitting at the gate, with downcast head, broken-hearted. So he dismounted and kissing his hand, said to him, "O my lord and son of my lord, hasten, ere destruction light on thee!"

They were so transported with joy, that they swooned away, and, when they recovered, would fain have run and fallen upon Bedreddin's neck; but the promise they had made to the vizier, not to discover themselves, restrained the tender emotions of love and nature.

Not knowing what alteration might happen, he thought fit to draw up in writing, with his own hand, after what manner the wedding had been solemnized; how the hall and his daughter's bed-chamber were furnished, and other circumstances. He likewise made the turban, the bag, and the rest of Bedreddin's things, into a bundle, and locked them up.

The vizier's orders were immediately executed. The detachment, conducted by the black eunuch, went with expedition to Bedreddin's house, and broke in pieces the plates, kettles, copper-pans, tables, and all the other moveables and utensils they met with, and drowned the sherbet-shop with creams and comfits.

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